Kevin Benton 539bbbecda Removes calls to mock.patch.stopall in unit tests
Removes unnecessary calls to mock.patch.stopall
in individual unit tests since it is now
automatically called from the base test case.

Closes-Bug: #1291130
Change-Id: Ia8e82d6a9a9bc9bd5f48146c1be53069ff1cdb01
2014-03-12 04:17:11 +00:00

350 lines
13 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ryota MIBU
import random
import mock
from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
from neutron.plugins.nec.common import ofc_client
from neutron.plugins.nec.db import models as nmodels
from neutron.plugins.nec import drivers
from neutron.tests import base
class TestConfig(object):
"""Configuration for this test."""
host = ''
port = 8888
class TremaDriverTestBase(base.BaseTestCase):
driver_name = "trema"
def setUp(self):
super(TremaDriverTestBase, self).setUp()
self.driver = drivers.get_driver(self.driver_name)(TestConfig)
self.do_request = mock.patch.object(ofc_client.OFCClient,
def get_ofc_item_random_params(self):
"""create random parameters for ofc_item test."""
tenant_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
network_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
port_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
mac = ':'.join(['%x' % random.randint(0, 255) for i in xrange(6)])
portinfo = nmodels.PortInfo(id=port_id, datapath_id="0x123456789",
port_no=1234, vlan_id=321,
return tenant_id, network_id, portinfo
class TremaDriverNetworkTestBase(TremaDriverTestBase):
def test_create_tenant(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
ret = self.driver.create_tenant('dummy_desc', t)
ofc_t_path = "/tenants/%s" % t
self.assertEqual(ofc_t_path, ret)
# There is no API call.
self.assertEqual(0, self.do_request.call_count)
def test_update_tenant(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
path = "/tenants/%s" % t
self.driver.update_tenant(path, 'dummy_desc')
# There is no API call.
self.assertEqual(0, self.do_request.call_count)
def testc_delete_tenant(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
path = "/tenants/%s" % t
# There is no API call.
self.assertEqual(0, self.do_request.call_count)
def testa_create_network(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
description = "desc of %s" % n
body = {'id': n, 'description': description}
ret = self.driver.create_network(t, description, n)
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("POST", "/networks", body=body)
self.assertEqual(ret, '/networks/%s' % n)
def testc_delete_network(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
net_path = "/networks/%s" % n
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("DELETE", net_path)
class TremaPortBaseDriverTest(TremaDriverNetworkTestBase):
driver_name = "trema_port"
def test_filter_supported(self):
def testd_create_port(self):
_t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
net_path = "/networks/%s" % n
body = {'id': p.id,
'datapath_id': p.datapath_id,
'port': str(p.port_no),
'vid': str(p.vlan_id)}
ret = self.driver.create_port(net_path, p, p.id)
"POST", "/networks/%s/ports" % n, body=body)
self.assertEqual(ret, '/networks/%s/ports/%s' % (n, p.id))
def testd_delete_port(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
p_path = "/networks/%s/ports/%s" % (n, p.id)
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("DELETE", p_path)
class TremaPortMACBaseDriverTest(TremaDriverNetworkTestBase):
driver_name = "trema_portmac"
def test_filter_supported(self):
def testd_create_port(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
dummy_port = "dummy-%s" % p.id
net_path = "/networks/%s" % n
path_1 = "/networks/%s/ports" % n
body_1 = {'id': dummy_port,
'datapath_id': p.datapath_id,
'port': str(p.port_no),
'vid': str(p.vlan_id)}
path_2 = "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachments" % (n, dummy_port)
body_2 = {'id': p.id, 'mac': p.mac}
path_3 = "/networks/%s/ports/%s" % (n, dummy_port)
ret = self.driver.create_port(net_path, p, p.id)
mock.call("POST", path_1, body=body_1),
mock.call("POST", path_2, body=body_2),
mock.call("DELETE", path_3)
port_path = "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachments/%s" % (n, dummy_port,
self.assertEqual(ret, port_path)
def testd_delete_port(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
dummy_port = "dummy-%s" % p.id
path = "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachments/%s" % (n, dummy_port, p.id)
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("DELETE", path)
class TremaMACBaseDriverTest(TremaDriverNetworkTestBase):
driver_name = "trema_mac"
def test_filter_supported(self):
def testd_create_port(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
net_path = "/networks/%s" % n
path = "/networks/%s/attachments" % n
body = {'id': p.id, 'mac': p.mac}
ret = self.driver.create_port(net_path, p, p.id)
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("POST", path, body=body)
self.assertEqual(ret, '/networks/%s/attachments/%s' % (n, p.id))
def testd_delete_port(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
path = "/networks/%s/attachments/%s" % (n, p.id)
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("DELETE", path)
class TremaFilterDriverTest(TremaDriverTestBase):
def _test_create_filter(self, filter_dict=None, filter_post=None,
filter_wildcards=None, no_portinfo=False):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
src_mac = ':'.join(['%x' % random.randint(0, 255) for i in xrange(6)])
if filter_wildcards is None:
filter_wildcards = []
f = {'tenant_id': t,
'id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'network_id': n,
'priority': 123,
'action': "ACCEPT",
'in_port': p.id,
'src_mac': src_mac,
'dst_mac': "",
'eth_type': 0,
'src_cidr': "",
'dst_cidr': "",
'src_port': 0,
'dst_port': 0,
'protocol': "TCP",
'admin_state_up': True,
'status': "ACTIVE"}
if filter_dict:
net_path = "/networks/%s" % n
all_wildcards_ofp = ['dl_vlan', 'dl_vlan_pcp', 'nw_tos',
'in_port', 'dl_src', 'dl_dst',
'nw_src', 'nw_dst',
'dl_type', 'nw_proto',
'tp_src', 'tp_dst']
all_wildcards_non_ofp = ['in_datapath_id', 'slice']
body = {'id': f['id'],
'action': 'ALLOW',
'priority': 123,
'slice': n,
'in_datapath_id': '0x123456789',
'in_port': 1234,
'nw_proto': '0x6',
'dl_type': '0x800',
'dl_src': src_mac}
if filter_post:
if no_portinfo:
filter_wildcards += ['in_datapath_id', 'in_port']
p = None
for field in filter_wildcards:
if field in body:
del body[field]
ofp_wildcards = ["%s:32" % _f if _f in ['nw_src', 'nw_dst'] else _f
for _f in all_wildcards_ofp if _f not in body]
body['ofp_wildcards'] = set(ofp_wildcards)
non_ofp_wildcards = [_f for _f in all_wildcards_non_ofp
if _f not in body]
if non_ofp_wildcards:
body['wildcards'] = set(non_ofp_wildcards)
ret = self.driver.create_filter(net_path, f, p, f['id'])
# The content of 'body' is checked below.
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("POST", "/filters",
self.assertEqual(ret, '/filters/%s' % f['id'])
# ofp_wildcards and wildcards in body are comma-separated
# string but the order of elements are not considered,
# so we check these fields as set.
actual_body = self.do_request.call_args[1]['body']
if 'ofp_wildcards' in actual_body:
ofp_wildcards = actual_body['ofp_wildcards'].split(',')
actual_body['ofp_wildcards'] = set(ofp_wildcards)
if 'wildcards' in actual_body:
actual_body['wildcards'] = set(actual_body['wildcards'].split(','))
self.assertEqual(body, actual_body)
def test_create_filter_accept(self):
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'action': 'ACCEPT'})
def test_create_filter_allow(self):
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'action': 'ALLOW'})
def test_create_filter_deny(self):
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'action': 'DENY'},
filter_post={'action': 'DENY'})
def test_create_filter_drop(self):
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'action': 'DROP'},
filter_post={'action': 'DENY'})
def test_create_filter_no_port(self):
def test_create_filter_src_mac_wildcard(self):
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'src_mac': ''},
def test_create_filter_dst_mac(self):
dst_mac = ':'.join(['%x' % random.randint(0, 255) for i in xrange(6)])
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'dst_mac': dst_mac},
filter_post={'dl_dst': dst_mac})
def test_create_filter_src_cidr(self):
src_cidr = ''
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'src_cidr': src_cidr},
filter_post={'nw_src': src_cidr})
def test_create_filter_dst_cidr(self):
dst_cidr = ''
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'dst_cidr': dst_cidr},
filter_post={'nw_dst': dst_cidr})
def test_create_filter_proto_icmp(self):
filter_dict={'protocol': 'icmp'},
filter_post={'dl_type': '0x800', 'nw_proto': '0x1'})
def test_create_filter_proto_tcp(self):
filter_dict={'protocol': 'tcp'},
filter_post={'dl_type': '0x800', 'nw_proto': '0x6'})
def test_create_filter_proto_udp(self):
filter_dict={'protocol': 'udp'},
filter_post={'dl_type': '0x800', 'nw_proto': '0x11'})
def test_create_filter_proto_arp(self):
filter_dict={'protocol': 'arp'},
filter_post={'dl_type': '0x806'},
def test_create_filter_proto_misc(self):
filter_dict={'protocol': '0x33', 'eth_type': '0x900'},
filter_post={'dl_type': '0x900', 'nw_proto': '0x33'})
def test_create_filter_proto_misc_dl_type_wildcard(self):
filter_dict={'protocol': '0x33', 'ether_type': ''},
filter_post={'nw_proto': '0x33'},
def test_create_filter_proto_wildcard(self):
filter_dict={'protocol': ''},
filter_wildcards=['dl_type', 'nw_proto'])
def test_create_filter_src_dst_port(self):
self._test_create_filter(filter_dict={'src_port': 8192,
'dst_port': 4096},
filter_post={'tp_src': '0x2000',
'tp_dst': '0x1000'})
def testb_delete_filter(self):
t, n, p = self.get_ofc_item_random_params()
f_path = "/filters/%s" % uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self.do_request.assert_called_once_with("DELETE", f_path)