There are several common fixtures that every test case wants. Following the pattern in Nova, add a common base test case class to hold these things. Change-Id: I2d2cd91e5051d9cbf230e6f48985d6eddcb7b58a
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import mock
from quantum.common import utils
from quantum.rootwrap import filters
from quantum.rootwrap import wrapper
from quantum.tests import base
class RootwrapTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(RootwrapTestCase, self).setUp()
self.filters = [
filters.RegExpFilter("/bin/ls", "root", 'ls', '/[a-z]+'),
filters.CommandFilter("/usr/bin/foo_bar_not_exist", "root"),
filters.RegExpFilter("/bin/cat", "root", 'cat', '/[a-z]+'),
filters.CommandFilter("/nonexistant/cat", "root"),
filters.CommandFilter("/bin/cat", "root")] # Keep this one last
def tearDown(self):
super(RootwrapTestCase, self).tearDown()
def test_RegExpFilter_match(self):
usercmd = ["ls", "/root"]
filtermatch = wrapper.match_filter(self.filters, usercmd)
self.assertFalse(filtermatch is None)
["/bin/ls", "/root"])
def test_RegExpFilter_reject(self):
usercmd = ["ls", "root"]
filtermatch = wrapper.match_filter(self.filters, usercmd)
self.assertTrue(filtermatch is None)
def test_missing_command(self):
valid_but_missing = ["foo_bar_not_exist"]
invalid = ["foo_bar_not_exist_and_not_matched"]
filtermatch = wrapper.match_filter(self.filters, valid_but_missing)
self.assertTrue(filtermatch is not None)
filtermatch = wrapper.match_filter(self.filters, invalid)
self.assertTrue(filtermatch is None)
def test_DnsmasqFilter(self):
'dnsmasq', 'foo']
f = filters.DnsmasqFilter("/usr/bin/dnsmasq", "root")
self.assertEqual(f.get_command(usercmd), ['/usr/bin/dnsmasq', 'foo'])
env = f.get_environment(usercmd)
self.assertEqual(env.get('QUANTUM_RELAY_SOCKET_PATH'), 'A')
self.assertEqual(env.get('QUANTUM_NETWORK_ID'), 'foobar')
def test_DnsmasqNetnsFilter(self):
'ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'foo', 'dnsmasq', 'foo']
f = filters.DnsmasqNetnsFilter("/sbin/ip", "root")
self.assertEqual(f.get_command(usercmd), ['/sbin/ip', 'netns', 'exec',
'foo', 'dnsmasq', 'foo'])
env = f.get_environment(usercmd)
self.assertEqual(env.get('QUANTUM_RELAY_SOCKET_PATH'), 'A')
self.assertEqual(env.get('QUANTUM_NETWORK_ID'), 'foobar')
def test_KillFilter(self):
p = utils.subprocess_popen(["/bin/sleep", "5"])
f = filters.KillFilter("root", "/bin/sleep", "-9", "-HUP")
f2 = filters.KillFilter("root", "/usr/bin/sleep", "-9", "-HUP")
usercmd = ['kill', '-ALRM', p.pid]
# Incorrect signal should fail
self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
usercmd = ['kill', p.pid]
# Providing no signal should fail
self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
# Providing matching signal should be allowed
usercmd = ['kill', '-9', p.pid]
self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
f = filters.KillFilter("root", "/bin/sleep")
f2 = filters.KillFilter("root", "/usr/bin/sleep")
usercmd = ['kill', os.getpid()]
# Our own PID does not match /bin/sleep, so it should fail
self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
usercmd = ['kill', 999999]
# Nonexistant PID should fail
self.assertFalse(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
usercmd = ['kill', p.pid]
# Providing no signal should work
self.assertTrue(f.match(usercmd) or f2.match(usercmd))
def test_KillFilter_no_raise(self):
"""Makes sure ValueError from bug 926412 is gone"""
f = filters.KillFilter("root", "")
# Providing anything other than kill should be False
usercmd = ['notkill', 999999]
# Providing something that is not a pid should be False
usercmd = ['kill', 'notapid']
def test_KillFilter_deleted_exe(self):
"""Makes sure deleted exe's are killed correctly"""
# See bug #1073768.
with mock.patch('os.readlink') as mock_readlink:
mock_readlink.return_value = '/bin/commandddddd (deleted)'
f = filters.KillFilter("root", "/bin/commandddddd")
usercmd = ['kill', 1234]
def test_ReadFileFilter(self):
goodfn = '/good/file.name'
f = filters.ReadFileFilter(goodfn)
usercmd = ['cat', '/bad/file']
self.assertFalse(f.match(['cat', '/bad/file']))
usercmd = ['cat', goodfn]
self.assertEqual(f.get_command(usercmd), ['/bin/cat', goodfn])
def test_IpFilter_non_netns(self):
f = filters.IpFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root')
self.assertTrue(f.match(['ip', 'link', 'list']))
def _test_IpFilter_netns_helper(self, action):
f = filters.IpFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root')
self.assertTrue(f.match(['ip', 'link', action]))
def test_IpFilter_netns_add(self):
def test_IpFilter_netns_delete(self):
def test_IpFilter_netns_list(self):
def test_IpNetnsExecFilter_match(self):
f = filters.IpNetnsExecFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root')
f.match(['ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'foo', 'ip', 'link', 'list']))
def test_IpNetnsExecFilter_nomatch(self):
f = filters.IpNetnsExecFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root')
self.assertFalse(f.match(['ip', 'link', 'list']))
def test_match_filter_recurses_exec_command_filter(self):
filter_list = [filters.IpNetnsExecFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root'),
filters.IpFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root')]
args = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'foo', 'ip', 'link', 'list']
self.assertIsNotNone(wrapper.match_filter(filter_list, args))
def test_match_filter_recurses_exec_command_filter(self):
filter_list = [filters.IpNetnsExecFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root'),
filters.IpFilter('/sbin/ip', 'root')]
args = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'foo', 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'bar',
'ip', 'link', 'list']
self.assertIsNone(wrapper.match_filter(filter_list, args))
def test_skips(self):
# Check that all filters are skipped and that the last matches
usercmd = ["cat", "/"]
filtermatch = wrapper.match_filter(self.filters, usercmd)
self.assertTrue(filtermatch is self.filters[-1])