CH release adds new way to associate resources with nsgroups by creating specific tags on the resources. We would like to support this feature in the plugin for better performance. This patch make use of this feature to associate logical-ports with nsgroups (Neutron ports with security-groups), for every LP-NSGroup association, a special tag will be added to the LP. The plugin will use this NSX feature only when supported by the NSX version, and given that the designated boolean config option is set to True. Change-Id: I2a802bc314d98dba9ecc54191fcbd7330f183e12
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# Copyright 2012 VMware, Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from vmware_nsx._i18n import _
class NsxPluginException(n_exc.NeutronException):
message = _("An unexpected error occurred in the NSX Plugin: %(err_msg)s")
class InvalidVersion(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Unable to fulfill request with version %(version)s.")
class InvalidConnection(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Invalid NSX connection parameters: %(conn_params)s")
class InvalidClusterConfiguration(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Invalid cluster values: %(invalid_attrs)s. Please ensure "
"that these values are specified in the [DEFAULT] "
"section of the NSX plugin ini file.")
class InvalidNovaZone(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Unable to find cluster config entry "
"for nova zone: %(nova_zone)s")
class NoMorePortsException(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Unable to create port on network %(network)s. "
"Maximum number of ports reached")
class NatRuleMismatch(NsxPluginException):
message = _("While retrieving NAT rules, %(actual_rules)s were found "
"whereas rules in the (%(min_rules)s,%(max_rules)s) interval "
"were expected")
class InvalidAttachmentType(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Invalid NSX attachment type '%(attachment_type)s'")
class MaintenanceInProgress(NsxPluginException):
message = _("The networking backend is currently in maintenance mode and "
"therefore unable to accept requests which modify its state. "
"Please try later.")
class L2GatewayAlreadyInUse(n_exc.Conflict):
message = _("Gateway Service %(gateway)s is already in use")
class InvalidTransportType(NsxPluginException):
message = _("The transport type %(transport_type)s is not recognized "
"by the backend")
class InvalidSecurityCertificate(NsxPluginException):
message = _("An invalid security certificate was specified for the "
"gateway device. Certificates must be enclosed between "
"'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' and "
"'-----END CERTIFICATE-----'")
class ServiceOverQuota(n_exc.Conflict):
message = _("Quota exceeded for NSX resource %(overs)s: %(err_msg)s")
class ServiceClusterUnavailable(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Service cluster: '%(cluster_id)s' is unavailable. Please, "
"check NSX setup and/or configuration")
class PortConfigurationError(NsxPluginException):
message = _("An error occurred while connecting LSN %(lsn_id)s "
"and network %(net_id)s via port %(port_id)s")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(PortConfigurationError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.port_id = kwargs.get('port_id')
class LogicalRouterNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = _('Unable to find logical router for %(entity_id)s')
class LsnNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = _('Unable to find LSN for %(entity)s %(entity_id)s')
class LsnPortNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = (_('Unable to find port for LSN %(lsn_id)s '
'and %(entity)s %(entity_id)s'))
class LsnMigrationConflict(n_exc.Conflict):
message = _("Unable to migrate network '%(net_id)s' to LSN: %(reason)s")
class LsnConfigurationConflict(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Configuration conflict on Logical Service Node %(lsn_id)s")
class DvsNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = _('Unable to find DVS %(dvs)s')
class NoRouterAvailable(n_exc.ResourceExhausted):
message = _("Unable to create the router. "
"No tenant router is available for allocation.")
class ManagerError(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Unexpected error from backend manager (%(manager)s) "
"for %(operation)s %(details)s")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['details'] = (': %s' % kwargs['details']
if 'details' in kwargs
else '')
super(ManagerError, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.msg = self.message % kwargs
class ResourceNotFound(ManagerError):
message = _("Resource could not be found on backend (%(manager)s) for "
class StaleRevision(ManagerError):
class NsxL2GWConnectionMappingNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = _('Unable to find mapping for L2 gateway connection: %(conn)s')
class NsxL2GWDeviceNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = _('Unable to find logical L2 gateway device.')
class NsxL2GWInUse(n_exc.InUse):
message = _("L2 Gateway '%(gateway_id)s' has been used")
class InvalidIPAddress(n_exc.InvalidInput):
message = _("'%(ip_address)s' must be a /32 CIDR based IPv4 address")
class SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Security Group %(sg_id)s has reached its maximum capacity, "
"no more ports can be associated with this security-group.")
class NsxResourceNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = _("%(res_name)s %(res_id)s not found on the backend.")
class NsxQosPolicyMappingNotFound(n_exc.NotFound):
message = _('Unable to find mapping for QoS policy: %(policy)s')
class NumberOfNsgroupCriteriaTagsReached(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Port can be associated with at most %(max_num)s "