Zhongyue Luo 02d12d8065 Fixes import reorder nits
Fixes bug #1133080

Change-Id: I31e56cea9b7310cfd16c0340ba270c4a777c200c
2013-02-26 10:37:59 +08:00

346 lines
13 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 PLUMgrid, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Edgar Magana, emagana@plumgrid.com, PLUMgrid, Inc.
Quantum PLUMgrid Plug-in for PLUMgrid Virtual Technology
This plugin will forward authenticated REST API calls
to the Network Operating System by PLUMgrid called NOS
import sys
from oslo.config import cfg
from quantum.db import api as db
from quantum.db import db_base_plugin_v2
from quantum.openstack.common import log as logging
from quantum.plugins.plumgrid.common import exceptions as plum_excep
from quantum.plugins.plumgrid.plumgrid_nos_plugin.plugin_ver import VERSION
from quantum.plugins.plumgrid.plumgrid_nos_plugin import plumgrid_nos_snippets
from quantum.plugins.plumgrid.plumgrid_nos_plugin import rest_connection
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
nos_server_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('nos_server', default='localhost',
help=_("PLUMgrid NOS server to connect to")),
cfg.StrOpt('nos_server_port', default='8080',
help=_("PLUMgrid NOS server port to connect to")),
cfg.StrOpt('username', default='username',
help=_("PLUMgrid NOS admin username")),
cfg.StrOpt('password', default='password', secret=True,
help=_("PLUMgrid NOS admin password")),
cfg.IntOpt('servertimeout', default=5,
help=_("PLUMgrid NOS server timeout")),
cfg.IntOpt('topologyname', default='t1',
help=_("PLUMgrid NOS topology name")), ]
cfg.CONF.register_opts(nos_server_opts, "PLUMgridNOS")
class QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2(db_base_plugin_v2.QuantumDbPluginV2):
def __init__(self):
LOG.info(_('QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: Starting Plugin'))
# PLUMgrid NOS configuration
nos_plumgrid = cfg.CONF.PLUMgridNOS.nos_server
nos_port = cfg.CONF.PLUMgridNOS.nos_server_port
timeout = cfg.CONF.PLUMgridNOS.servertimeout
self.topology_name = cfg.CONF.PLUMgridNOS.topologyname
self.snippets = plumgrid_nos_snippets.DataNOSPLUMgrid()
# TODO: (Edgar) These are placeholders for next PLUMgrid release
nos_username = cfg.CONF.PLUMgridNOS.username
nos_password = cfg.CONF.PLUMgridNOS.password
self.rest_conn = rest_connection.RestConnection(nos_plumgrid,
nos_port, timeout)
if self.rest_conn is None:
raise SystemExit(_('QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: '
'Aborting Plugin'))
# Plugin DB initialization
# PLUMgrid NOS info validation
LOG.info(_('QuantumPluginPLUMgrid NOS: %s'), nos_plumgrid)
if not nos_plumgrid:
raise SystemExit(_('QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: '
'NOS value is missing in config file'))
LOG.debug(_('QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: Quantum server with '
'PLUMgrid Plugin has started'))
def create_network(self, context, network):
Create network core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_('QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: create_network() called'))
# Plugin DB - Network Create and validation
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context,
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
net = super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).create_network(context,
LOG.debug(_('QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: %s, %s, %s'),
tenant_id, network["network"], net["id"])
nos_url = self.snippets.BASE_NOS_URL + net["id"]
headers = {}
body_data = self.snippets.create_domain_body_data(tenant_id)
'PUT', body_data, headers)
err_message = _("PLUMgrid NOS communication failed")
raise plum_excep.PLUMgridException(err_message)
# return created network
return net
def update_network(self, context, net_id, network):
Update network core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2.update_network() called"))
tenant_id = self._get_tenant_id_for_create(context, network["network"])
# Get initial network details
original_net = super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).get_network(
context, net_id)
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
# Plugin DB - Network Update
new_network = super(
QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).update_network(context,
net_id, network)
# PLUMgrid Server does not support updating resources yet
nos_url = self.snippets.BASE_NOS_URL + net_id
headers = {}
body_data = {}
'DELETE', body_data, headers)
nos_url = self.snippets.BASE_NOS_URL + new_network["id"]
body_data = self.snippets.create_domain_body_data(tenant_id)
'PUT', body_data, headers)
err_message = _("PLUMgrid NOS communication failed")
raise plum_excep.PLUMgridException(err_message)
# return updated network
return new_network
def delete_network(self, context, net_id):
Delete network core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: delete_network() called"))
super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).get_network(context, net_id)
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
# Plugin DB - Network Delete
net_deleted = super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2,
self).delete_network(context, net_id)
nos_url = self.snippets.BASE_NOS_URL + net_id
headers = {}
body_data = {}
'DELETE', body_data, headers)
err_message = _("PLUMgrid NOS communication failed")
raise plum_excep.PLUMgridException(err_message)
def create_port(self, context, port):
Create port core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: create_port() called"))
# Port operations on PLUMgrid NOS is an automatic operation from the
# VIF driver operations in Nova. It requires admin_state_up to be True
port["port"]["admin_state_up"] = True
# Plugin DB - Port Create and Return port
return super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).create_port(context,
def update_port(self, context, port_id, port):
Update port core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: update_port() called"))
# Port operations on PLUMgrid NOS is an automatic operation from the
# VIF driver operations in Nova.
# Plugin DB - Port Update
return super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).update_port(
context, port_id, port)
def delete_port(self, context, port_id):
Delete port core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: delete_port() called"))
# Port operations on PLUMgrid NOS is an automatic operation from the
# VIF driver operations in Nova.
# Plugin DB - Port Delete
super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).delete_port(context, port_id)
def create_subnet(self, context, subnet):
Create subnet core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: create_subnet() called"))
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
# Plugin DB - Subnet Create
subnet = super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).create_subnet(
context, subnet)
subnet_details = self._get_subnet(context, subnet["id"])
net_id = subnet_details["network_id"]
tenant_id = subnet_details["tenant_id"]
nos_url = self.snippets.BASE_NOS_URL + net_id
headers = {}
body_data = self.snippets.create_network_body_data(
tenant_id, self.topology_name)
'PUT', body_data, headers)
err_message = _("PLUMgrid NOS communication failed: ")
raise plum_excep.PLUMgridException(err_message)
return subnet
def delete_subnet(self, context, subnet_id):
Delete subnet core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("QuantumPluginPLUMgrid Status: delete_subnet() called"))
#Collecting subnet info
subnet_details = self._get_subnet(context, subnet_id)
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
# Plugin DB - Subnet Delete
del_subnet = super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).delete_subnet(
context, subnet_id)
headers = {}
body_data = {}
net_id = subnet_details["network_id"]
self._cleaning_nos_subnet_structure(body_data, headers, net_id)
err_message = _("PLUMgrid NOS communication failed: ")
raise plum_excep.PLUMgridException(err_message)
return del_subnet
def update_subnet(self, context, subnet_id, subnet):
Update subnet core Quantum API
LOG.debug(_("update_subnet() called"))
#Collecting subnet info
initial_subnet = self._get_subnet(context, subnet_id)
net_id = initial_subnet["network_id"]
tenant_id = initial_subnet["tenant_id"]
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
# Plugin DB - Subnet Update
new_subnet = super(QuantumPluginPLUMgridV2, self).update_subnet(
context, subnet_id, subnet)
# PLUMgrid Server does not support updating resources yet
headers = {}
body_data = {}
self._cleaning_nos_subnet_structure(body_data, headers, net_id)
nos_url = self.snippets.BASE_NOS_URL + net_id
body_data = self.snippets.create_network_body_data(
tenant_id, self.topology_name)
'PUT', body_data, headers)
err_message = _("PLUMgrid NOS communication failed: ")
raise plum_excep.PLUMgridException(err_message)
return new_subnet
Extension API implementation
# TODO: (Edgar) Complete extensions for PLUMgrid
Internal PLUMgrid fuctions
def _get_plugin_version(self):
return VERSION
def _cleaning_nos_subnet_structure(self, body_data, headers, net_id):
domain_structure = ['/properties', '/link', '/ne']
for structure in domain_structure:
nos_url = self.snippets.BASE_NOS_URL + net_id + structure
self.rest_conn.nos_rest_conn(nos_url, 'DELETE', body_data, headers)
def _network_admin_state(self, network):
if network["network"].get("admin_state_up"):
network_name = network["network"]["name"]
if network["network"]["admin_state_up"] is False:
LOG.warning(_("Network with admin_state_up=False are not "
"supported yet by this plugin. Ignoring "
"setting for network %s"), network_name)
err_message = _("Network Admin State Validation Falied: ")
raise plum_excep.PLUMgridException(err_message)
return network