For the following VPNaaS attributes, ensure that these validation tests are performed in the extension: keepalive >= 60 (seconds) mtu >= 0 (octets) DPD interval > 0 (seconds) DPD timeout > 0 (seconds) Currently, the units for keepalive can only be seconds. If this changes in the future (e.g. to allow kilobytes units), then the test for the value will need to be changed. To correctly test the MTU limits for an IPSec connection, the protocol must be taken into consideration, which is defined by the vpnservice object. Because of this dependency, we cannot validate this in the extension, and will instead, just make sure the value is positive. Likewise, the attribute validators cannot ensure that the DPD timeout is greater than the interval (again, because the validators can only check the individual attributes one at a time). The range validator was modified to allow single ended ranges for some of these attributes. The range also ensures the value is an integer. Companion changes are being made in the CLI code for these limit changes. Update: Fixed typo causing tox failure. bug 1216117 Change-Id: I85d6175d81fbe7d27231aed48fb4691351e0db4c
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
import re
from neutron.common import constants
from neutron.common import exceptions as q_exc
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Defining a constant to avoid repeating string literal in several modules
SHARED = 'shared'
# Used by range check to indicate no limit for a bound.
def _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, target_dict, strict=True):
"""Allows to verify keys in a dictionary.
:param expected_keys: A list of keys expected to be present.
:param target_dict: The dictionary which should be verified.
:param strict: Specifies whether additional keys are allowed to be present.
:return: True, if keys in the dictionary correspond to the specification.
if not isinstance(target_dict, dict):
msg = (_("Invalid input. '%(target_dict)s' must be a dictionary "
"with keys: %(expected_keys)s") %
{'target_dict': target_dict, 'expected_keys': expected_keys})
return msg
expected_keys = set(expected_keys)
provided_keys = set(target_dict.keys())
predicate = expected_keys.__eq__ if strict else expected_keys.issubset
if not predicate(provided_keys):
msg = (_("Validation of dictionary's keys failed."
"Expected keys: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided keys: %(provided_keys)s") %
{'expected_keys': expected_keys,
'provided_keys': provided_keys})
return msg
def is_attr_set(attribute):
return not (attribute is None or attribute is ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED)
def _validate_values(data, valid_values=None):
if data not in valid_values:
msg = (_("'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s") %
{'data': data, 'valid_values': valid_values})
return msg
def _validate_string(data, max_len=None):
if not isinstance(data, basestring):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid string") % data
return msg
if max_len is not None and len(data) > max_len:
msg = (_("'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s") %
{'data': data, 'max_len': max_len})
return msg
def _validate_boolean(data, valid_values=None):
except q_exc.InvalidInput:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid boolean value") % data
return msg
def _validate_range(data, valid_values=None):
"""Check that integer value is within a range provided.
Test is inclusive. Allows either limit to be ignored, to allow
checking ranges where only the lower or upper limit matter.
It is expected that the limits provided are valid integers or
the value None.
min_value = valid_values[0]
max_value = valid_values[1]
data = int(data)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
msg = _("'%s' is not an integer") % data
return msg
if min_value is not UNLIMITED and data < min_value:
msg = _("'%(data)s' is too small - must be at least "
"'%(limit)d'") % {'data': data, 'limit': min_value}
return msg
if max_value is not UNLIMITED and data > max_value:
msg = _("'%(data)s' is too large - must be no larger than "
"'%(limit)d'") % {'data': data, 'limit': max_value}
return msg
def _validate_no_whitespace(data):
"""Validates that input has no whitespace."""
if len(data.split()) > 1:
msg = _("'%s' contains whitespace") % data
raise q_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
return data
def _validate_mac_address(data, valid_values=None):
except Exception:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid MAC address") % data
return msg
def _validate_ip_address(data, valid_values=None):
except Exception:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid IP address") % data
return msg
def _validate_ip_pools(data, valid_values=None):
"""Validate that start and end IP addresses are present.
In addition to this the IP addresses will also be validated
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("Invalid data format for IP pool: '%s'") % data
return msg
expected_keys = ['start', 'end']
for ip_pool in data:
msg = _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, ip_pool)
if msg:
return msg
for k in expected_keys:
msg = _validate_ip_address(ip_pool[k])
if msg:
return msg
def _validate_fixed_ips(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'") % data
return msg
ips = []
for fixed_ip in data:
if not isinstance(fixed_ip, dict):
msg = _("Invalid data format for fixed IP: '%s'") % fixed_ip
return msg
if 'ip_address' in fixed_ip:
# Ensure that duplicate entries are not set - just checking IP
# suffices. Duplicate subnet_id's are legitimate.
fixed_ip_address = fixed_ip['ip_address']
if fixed_ip_address in ips:
msg = _("Duplicate IP address '%s'") % fixed_ip_address
msg = _validate_ip_address(fixed_ip_address)
if msg:
return msg
if 'subnet_id' in fixed_ip:
msg = _validate_uuid(fixed_ip['subnet_id'])
if msg:
return msg
def _validate_nameservers(data, valid_values=None):
if not hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
msg = _("Invalid data format for nameserver: '%s'") % data
return msg
ips = []
for ip in data:
msg = _validate_ip_address(ip)
if msg:
# This may be a hostname
msg = _validate_regex(ip, HOSTNAME_PATTERN)
if msg:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid nameserver") % ip
return msg
if ip in ips:
msg = _("Duplicate nameserver '%s'") % ip
return msg
def _validate_hostroutes(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("Invalid data format for hostroute: '%s'") % data
return msg
expected_keys = ['destination', 'nexthop']
hostroutes = []
for hostroute in data:
msg = _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, hostroute)
if msg:
return msg
msg = _validate_subnet(hostroute['destination'])
if msg:
return msg
msg = _validate_ip_address(hostroute['nexthop'])
if msg:
return msg
if hostroute in hostroutes:
msg = _("Duplicate hostroute '%s'") % hostroute
return msg
def _validate_ip_address_or_none(data, valid_values=None):
if data is None:
return None
return _validate_ip_address(data, valid_values)
def _validate_subnet(data, valid_values=None):
msg = None
net = netaddr.IPNetwork(_validate_no_whitespace(data))
cidr = str(net.cidr)
if (cidr != data):
msg = _("'%(data)s' isn't a recognized IP subnet cidr,"
" '%(cidr)s' is recommended") % {"data": data,
"cidr": cidr}
except Exception:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid IP subnet") % data
if msg:
return msg
def _validate_subnet_list(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("'%s' is not a list") % data
return msg
if len(set(data)) != len(data):
msg = _("Duplicate items in the list: '%s'") % ', '.join(data)
return msg
for item in data:
msg = _validate_subnet(item)
if msg:
return msg
def _validate_regex(data, valid_values=None):
if re.match(valid_values, data):
except TypeError:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid input") % data
return msg
def _validate_uuid(data, valid_values=None):
if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(data):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid UUID") % data
return msg
def _validate_uuid_or_none(data, valid_values=None):
if data is not None:
return _validate_uuid(data)
def _validate_uuid_list(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("'%s' is not a list") % data
return msg
for item in data:
msg = _validate_uuid(item)
if msg:
return msg
if len(set(data)) != len(data):
msg = _("Duplicate items in the list: '%s'") % ', '.join(data)
return msg
def _validate_dict_item(key, key_validator, data):
# Find conversion function, if any, and apply it
conv_func = key_validator.get('convert_to')
if conv_func:
data[key] = conv_func(data.get(key))
# Find validator function
# TODO(salv-orlando): Structure of dict attributes should be improved
# to avoid iterating over items
val_func = val_params = None
for (k, v) in key_validator.iteritems():
if k.startswith('type:'):
# ask forgiveness, not permission
val_func = validators[k]
except KeyError:
return _("Validator '%s' does not exist.") % k
val_params = v
# Process validation
if val_func:
return val_func(data.get(key), val_params)
def _validate_dict(data, key_specs=None):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
msg = _("'%s' is not a dictionary") % data
return msg
# Do not perform any further validation, if no constraints are supplied
if not key_specs:
# Check whether all required keys are present
required_keys = [key for key, spec in key_specs.iteritems()
if spec.get('required')]
if required_keys:
msg = _verify_dict_keys(required_keys, data, False)
if msg:
return msg
# Perform validation and conversion of all values
# according to the specifications.
for key, key_validator in [(k, v) for k, v in key_specs.iteritems()
if k in data]:
msg = _validate_dict_item(key, key_validator, data)
if msg:
return msg
def _validate_dict_or_none(data, key_specs=None):
if data is not None:
return _validate_dict(data, key_specs)
def _validate_dict_or_empty(data, key_specs=None):
if data != {}:
return _validate_dict(data, key_specs)
def _validate_dict_or_nodata(data, key_specs=None):
if data:
return _validate_dict(data, key_specs)
def _validate_non_negative(data, valid_values=None):
data = int(data)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
msg = _("'%s' is not an integer") % data
return msg
if data < 0:
msg = _("'%s' should be non-negative") % data
return msg
def convert_to_boolean(data):
if isinstance(data, basestring):
val = data.lower()
if val == "true" or val == "1":
return True
if val == "false" or val == "0":
return False
elif isinstance(data, bool):
return data
elif isinstance(data, int):
if data == 0:
return False
elif data == 1:
return True
msg = _("'%s' cannot be converted to boolean") % data
raise q_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def convert_to_int(data):
return int(data)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
msg = _("'%s' is not a integer") % data
raise q_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def convert_kvp_str_to_list(data):
"""Convert a value of the form 'key=value' to ['key', 'value'].
:raises: q_exc.InvalidInput if any of the strings are malformed
(e.g. do not contain a key).
kvp = [x.strip() for x in data.split('=', 1)]
if len(kvp) == 2 and kvp[0]:
return kvp
msg = _("'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]") % data
raise q_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def convert_kvp_list_to_dict(kvp_list):
"""Convert a list of 'key=value' strings to a dict.
:raises: q_exc.InvalidInput if any of the strings are malformed
(e.g. do not contain a key) or if any
of the keys appear more than once.
if kvp_list == ['True']:
# No values were provided (i.e. '--flag-name')
return {}
kvp_map = {}
for kvp_str in kvp_list:
key, value = convert_kvp_str_to_list(kvp_str)
kvp_map.setdefault(key, set())
return dict((x, list(y)) for x, y in kvp_map.iteritems())
def convert_none_to_empty_list(value):
return [] if value is None else value
def convert_none_to_empty_dict(value):
return {} if value is None else value
def convert_to_list(data):
if data is None:
return []
elif hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
return list(data)
return [data]
HOSTNAME_PATTERN = ("(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\d+\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]"
HEX_ELEM = '[0-9A-Fa-f]'
UUID_PATTERN = '-'.join([HEX_ELEM + '{8}', HEX_ELEM + '{4}',
HEX_ELEM + '{4}', HEX_ELEM + '{4}',
HEX_ELEM + '{12}'])
# Note: In order to ensure that the MAC address is unicast the first byte
# must be even.
MAC_PATTERN = "^%s[aceACE02468](:%s{2}){5}$" % (HEX_ELEM, HEX_ELEM)
# Dictionary that maintains a list of validation functions
validators = {'type:dict': _validate_dict,
'type:dict_or_none': _validate_dict_or_none,
'type:dict_or_empty': _validate_dict_or_empty,
'type:dict_or_nodata': _validate_dict_or_nodata,
'type:fixed_ips': _validate_fixed_ips,
'type:hostroutes': _validate_hostroutes,
'type:ip_address': _validate_ip_address,
'type:ip_address_or_none': _validate_ip_address_or_none,
'type:ip_pools': _validate_ip_pools,
'type:mac_address': _validate_mac_address,
'type:nameservers': _validate_nameservers,
'type:non_negative': _validate_non_negative,
'type:range': _validate_range,
'type:regex': _validate_regex,
'type:string': _validate_string,
'type:subnet': _validate_subnet,
'type:subnet_list': _validate_subnet_list,
'type:uuid': _validate_uuid,
'type:uuid_or_none': _validate_uuid_or_none,
'type:uuid_list': _validate_uuid_list,
'type:values': _validate_values,
'type:boolean': _validate_boolean}
# Define constants for base resource name
NETWORK = 'network'
PORT = 'port'
PORTS = '%ss' % PORT
SUBNET = 'subnet'
# Note: a default of ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED indicates that an
# attribute is not required, but will be generated by the plugin
# if it is not specified. Particularly, a value of ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
# is different from an attribute that has been specified with a value of
# None. For example, if 'gateway_ip' is ommitted in a request to
# create a subnet, the plugin will receive ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
# and the default gateway_ip will be generated.
# However, if gateway_ip is specified as None, this means that
# the subnet does not have a gateway IP.
# The following is a short reference for understanding attribute info:
# default: default value of the attribute (if missing, the attribute
# becomes mandatory.
# allow_post: the attribute can be used on POST requests.
# allow_put: the attribute can be used on PUT requests.
# validate: specifies rules for validating data in the attribute.
# convert_to: transformation to apply to the value before it is returned
# is_visible: the attribute is returned in GET responses.
# required_by_policy: the attribute is required by the policy engine and
# should therefore be filled by the API layer even if not present in
# request body.
# enforce_policy: the attribute is actively part of the policy enforcing
# mechanism, ie: there might be rules which refer to this attribute.
'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True,
'primary_key': True},
'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'default': '', 'is_visible': True},
'subnets': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'default': [],
'is_visible': True},
'admin_state_up': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'default': True,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True},
'status': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'is_visible': True},
'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'required_by_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
SHARED: {'allow_post': True,
'allow_put': True,
'default': False,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True,
'required_by_policy': True,
'enforce_policy': True},
'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True,
'primary_key': True},
'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'default': '',
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'is_visible': True},
'network_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'required_by_policy': True,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True},
'admin_state_up': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'default': True,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True},
'mac_address': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:mac_address': None},
'enforce_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'fixed_ips': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'convert_list_to': convert_kvp_list_to_dict,
'validate': {'type:fixed_ips': None},
'enforce_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'device_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'default': '',
'is_visible': True},
'device_owner': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'default': '',
'is_visible': True},
'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'required_by_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'status': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'is_visible': True},
'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True,
'primary_key': True},
'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'default': '',
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'is_visible': True},
'ip_version': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'convert_to': convert_to_int,
'validate': {'type:values': [4, 6]},
'is_visible': True},
'network_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'required_by_policy': True,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True},
'cidr': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:subnet': None},
'is_visible': True},
'gateway_ip': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:ip_address_or_none': None},
'is_visible': True},
#TODO(salvatore-orlando): Enable PUT on allocation_pools
'allocation_pools': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:ip_pools': None},
'is_visible': True},
'dns_nameservers': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'convert_to': convert_none_to_empty_list,
'validate': {'type:nameservers': None},
'is_visible': True},
'host_routes': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'convert_to': convert_none_to_empty_list,
'validate': {'type:hostroutes': None},
'is_visible': True},
'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'required_by_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'enable_dhcp': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'default': True,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True},
SHARED: {'allow_post': False,
'allow_put': False,
'default': False,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': False,
'required_by_policy': True,
'enforce_policy': True},
# Identify the attribute used by a resource to reference another resource
NETWORKS: 'network_id'
'dns_nameservers': 'dns_nameserver',
'host_routes': 'host_route',
'allocation_pools': 'allocation_pool',
'fixed_ips': 'fixed_ip',
'extensions': 'extension'}
def get_attr_metadata():
return {'plurals': PLURALS,
'xmlns': constants.XML_NS_V20,
constants.EXT_NS: EXT_NSES}