Salvatore Orlando b6185c4338 Use sqlite db on file for unit tests
bug 1054387

So far unit tests were executed using an in-memory database.
Memory was not being freed thus causing oom frequently due to
the increased number of unit tests.
Since sqlite in memory db do not work very well anyway with nose,
we are moving to file-based databases; slower, but safer.

Also, this patch removes a bunch of unit tests which do not add
anything to code coverage or number or test cases exercised.

Change-Id: Ib853727a5268643fbe8a99f6ebd0fc10aca6a43a
2012-09-23 05:51:50 -07:00

240 lines
9.4 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Nicira Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import logging
import uuid
import urlparse
LOG = logging.getLogger("fake_nvpapiclient")
class FakeClient:
"lswitch": "fake_get_lswitch.json",
"lport": "fake_get_lport.json",
"lportstatus": "fake_get_lport_status.json"
"lswitch": "fake_post_lswitch.json",
"lport": "fake_post_lport.json"
"lswitch": "fake_post_lswitch.json",
"lport": "fake_post_lport.json"
_fake_lswitch_dict = {}
_fake_lport_dict = {}
_fake_lportstatus_dict = {}
def __init__(self, fake_files_path):
self.fake_files_path = fake_files_path
def _get_tag(self, resource, scope):
tags = [tag['tag'] for tag in resource['tags']
if tag['scope'] == scope]
return len(tags) > 0 and tags[0]
def _get_filters(self, querystring):
if not querystring:
return (None, None)
params = urlparse.parse_qs(querystring)
tag_filter = None
attr_filter = None
if 'tag' in params and 'tag_scope' in params:
tag_filter = {'scope': params['tag_scope'][0],
'tag': params['tag'][0]}
elif 'uuid' in params:
attr_filter = {'uuid': params['uuid'][0]}
return (tag_filter, attr_filter)
def _add_lswitch(self, body):
fake_lswitch = json.loads(body)
fake_lswitch['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
self._fake_lswitch_dict[fake_lswitch['uuid']] = fake_lswitch
# put the tenant_id and the zone_uuid in the main dict
# for simplyfying templating
zone_uuid = fake_lswitch['transport_zones'][0]['zone_uuid']
fake_lswitch['zone_uuid'] = zone_uuid
fake_lswitch['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lswitch, 'os_tid')
return fake_lswitch
def _add_lport(self, body, ls_uuid):
fake_lport = json.loads(body)
fake_lport['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
# put the tenant_id and the ls_uuid in the main dict
# for simplyfying templating
fake_lport['ls_uuid'] = ls_uuid
fake_lport['tenant_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport, 'os_tid')
fake_lport['quantum_port_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport,
fake_lport['quantum_device_id'] = self._get_tag(fake_lport, 'vm_id')
self._fake_lport_dict[fake_lport['uuid']] = fake_lport
fake_lswitch = self._fake_lswitch_dict[ls_uuid]
fake_lport_status = fake_lport.copy()
fake_lport_status['ls_tenant_id'] = fake_lswitch['tenant_id']
fake_lport_status['ls_uuid'] = fake_lswitch['uuid']
fake_lport_status['ls_name'] = fake_lswitch['display_name']
fake_lport_status['ls_zone_uuid'] = fake_lswitch['zone_uuid']
self._fake_lportstatus_dict[fake_lport['uuid']] = fake_lport_status
return fake_lport
def _get_resource_type(self, path):
uri_split = path.split('/')
resource_type = ('status' in uri_split and
'lport' in uri_split and 'lportstatus'
or 'lport' in uri_split and 'lport'
or 'lswitch' in uri_split and 'lswitch')
switch_uuid = ('lswitch' in uri_split and
len(uri_split) > 3 and uri_split[3])
port_uuid = ('lport' in uri_split and
len(uri_split) > 5 and uri_split[5])
return (resource_type, switch_uuid, port_uuid)
def _list(self, resource_type, response_file,
switch_uuid=None, query=None):
(tag_filter, attr_filter) = self._get_filters(query)
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % resource_type)
if switch_uuid == "*":
switch_uuid = None
def _attr_match(res_uuid):
if not attr_filter:
return True
item = res_dict[res_uuid]
for (attr, value) in attr_filter.iteritems():
if item.get(attr) != value:
return False
return True
def _tag_match(res_uuid):
if not tag_filter:
return True
return any([x['scope'] == tag_filter['scope'] and
x['tag'] == tag_filter['tag']
for x in res_dict[res_uuid]['tags']])
def _lswitch_match(res_uuid):
if (not switch_uuid or
res_dict[res_uuid].get('ls_uuid') == switch_uuid):
return True
return False
items = [json.loads(response_template % res_dict[res_uuid])
for res_uuid in res_dict
if (_lswitch_match(res_uuid) and
_tag_match(res_uuid) and
return json.dumps({'results': items,
'result_count': len(items)})
def _show(self, resource_type, response_file,
switch_uuid, port_uuid=None):
target_uuid = port_uuid or switch_uuid
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % resource_type)
items = [json.loads(response_template % res_dict[res_uuid])
for res_uuid in res_dict if res_uuid == target_uuid]
if items:
return json.dumps(items[0])
raise Exception("show: resource %s:%s not found" %
(resource_type, target_uuid))
def handle_get(self, url):
#TODO(salvatore-orlando): handle field selection
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
response_file = self.FAKE_GET_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
if res_type == 'lport':
if p_uuid:
return self._show(res_type, response_file, s_uuid, p_uuid)
return self._list(res_type, response_file, s_uuid,
elif res_type == 'lportstatus':
return self._show(res_type, response_file, s_uuid, p_uuid)
elif res_type == 'lswitch':
if s_uuid:
return self._show(res_type, response_file, s_uuid)
return self._list(res_type, response_file,
raise Exception("unknown resource:%s" % res_type)
def handle_post(self, url, body):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, _p) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
response_file = self.FAKE_POST_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
add_resource = getattr(self, '_add_%s' % res_type)
args = [body]
if s_uuid:
response = response_template % add_resource(*args)
return response
def handle_put(self, url, body):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
target_uuid = p_uuid or s_uuid
response_file = self.FAKE_PUT_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
with open("%s/%s" % (self.fake_files_path, response_file)) as f:
response_template = f.read()
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % res_type)
resource = res_dict[target_uuid]
response = response_template % resource
return response
def handle_delete(self, url):
parsedurl = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(res_type, s_uuid, p_uuid) = self._get_resource_type(parsedurl.path)
target_uuid = p_uuid or s_uuid
response_file = self.FAKE_PUT_RESPONSES.get(res_type)
if not response_file:
raise Exception("resource not found")
res_dict = getattr(self, '_fake_%s_dict' % res_type)
del res_dict[target_uuid]
return ""
def fake_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
method = args[0]
handler = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % method.lower())
return handler(*args[1:])
def reset_all(self):