There were some directories excluded from the pep8 run, and many checks were ignored. This cleans the exclude list, and fixes the PEP8 issues. Change-Id: Ib56d45443009349a42fecfc14a792fdaa6d88d67
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150 lines
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# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import uuid
from oslo_log import log
from vmware_nsxlib._i18n import _, _LW
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as consts
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class NSGroupManager(object):
"""This class assists with NSX integration for Neutron security-groups
Each Neutron security-group is associated with NSX NSGroup object.
Some specific security policies are the same across all security-groups,
i.e - Default drop rule, DHCP. In order to bind these rules to all
NSGroups (security-groups), we create a nested NSGroup (which its members
are also of type NSGroups) to group the other NSGroups and associate it
with these rules.
In practice, one NSGroup (nested) can't contain all the other NSGroups, as
it has strict size limit. To overcome the limited space challenge, we
create several nested groups instead of just one, and we evenly distribute
NSGroups (security-groups) between them.
By using an hashing function on the NSGroup uuid we determine in which
group it should be added, and when deleting an NSGroup (security-group) we
use the same procedure to find which nested group it was added.
NESTED_GROUP_DESCRIPTION = ('OpenStack NSGroup. Do not delete.')
def __init__(self, nsxlib, size):
self.nsxlib_nsgroup = nsxlib.ns_group
self._nested_groups = self._init_nested_groups(size)
self._size = len(self._nested_groups)
def size(self):
return self._size
def nested_groups(self):
return self._nested_groups
def _init_nested_groups(self, requested_size):
# Construct the groups dict -
# {0: <groups-1>,.., n-1: <groups-n>}
size = requested_size
nested_groups = {
self._get_nested_group_index_from_name(nsgroup): nsgroup['id']
for nsgroup in self.nsxlib_nsgroup.list()
if self.nsxlib_nsgroup.is_internal_resource(nsgroup)}
if nested_groups:
size = max(requested_size, max(nested_groups) + 1)
if size > requested_size:
LOG.warning(_LW("Lowering the value of "
"nsx_v3:number_of_nested_groups isn't "
"supported, '%s' nested-groups will be used."),
absent_groups = set(range(size)) - set(nested_groups.keys())
if absent_groups:
_LW("Found %(num_present)s Nested Groups, "
"creating %(num_absent)s more."),
{'num_present': len(nested_groups),
'num_absent': len(absent_groups)})
for i in absent_groups:
cont = self._create_nested_group(i)
nested_groups[i] = cont['id']
return nested_groups
def _get_nested_group_index_from_name(self, nested_group):
# The name format is "Nested Group <index+1>"
return int(nested_group['display_name'].split()[-1]) - 1
def _create_nested_group(self, index):
name_prefix = NSGroupManager.NESTED_GROUP_NAME
name = '%s %s' % (name_prefix, index + 1)
description = NSGroupManager.NESTED_GROUP_DESCRIPTION
tags = self.nsxlib_nsgroup.build_v3_api_version_tag()
return self.nsxlib_nsgroup.create(name, description, tags)
def _hash_uuid(self, internal_id):
return hash(uuid.UUID(internal_id))
def _suggest_nested_group(self, internal_id):
# Suggests a nested group to use, can be iterated to find alternative
# group in case that previous suggestions did not help.
index = self._hash_uuid(internal_id) % self.size
yield self.nested_groups[index]
for i in range(1, self.size):
index = (index + 1) % self.size
yield self.nested_groups[index]
def add_nsgroup(self, nsgroup_id):
for group in self._suggest_nested_group(nsgroup_id):
LOG.debug("Adding NSGroup %s to nested group %s",
nsgroup_id, group)
group, consts.NSGROUP, [nsgroup_id])
except exceptions.NSGroupIsFull:
LOG.debug("Nested group %(group_id)s is full, trying the "
"next group..", {'group_id': group})
raise exceptions.ManagerError(
details=_("Reached the maximum supported amount of "
"security groups."))
def remove_nsgroup(self, nsgroup_id):
for group in self._suggest_nested_group(nsgroup_id):
group, consts.NSGROUP,
nsgroup_id, verify=True)
except exceptions.NSGroupMemberNotFound:
LOG.warning(_LW("NSGroup %(nsgroup)s was expected to be found "
"in group %(group_id)s, but wasn't. "
"Looking in the next group.."),
{'nsgroup': nsgroup_id, 'group_id': group})
LOG.warning(_LW("NSGroup %s was marked for removal, but its "
"reference is missing."), nsgroup_id)