diff --git a/.hgignore b/.hgignore
index 81656dc..59b4c42 100644
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ syntax: glob
syntax: regexp
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 63dca4c..81ce88c 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ setup(
'wsme.protocols': [
'restjson = wsme.protocols.restjson:RestJsonProtocol',
'restxml = wsme.protocols.restxml:RestXmlProtocol',
- 'soap = wsme.protocols.soap:SoapProtocol',
diff --git a/wsme/protocols/soap.py b/wsme/protocols/soap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 282e25d..0000000
--- a/wsme/protocols/soap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-A SOAP implementation for wsme.
-Parts of the code were taken from the tgwebservices soap implmentation.
-import pkg_resources
-import datetime
-import decimal
-import base64
-import logging
-from simplegeneric import generic
- from xml.etree import cElementTree as et
-except ImportError:
- import cElementTree as et
-from genshi.builder import tag, Element, Namespace
-from genshi.template import MarkupTemplate
-from wsme.controller import pexpose
-import wsme.types
-from wsme import exc
-from wsme.utils import *
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-xsi_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
-type_qn = '{%s}type' % xsi_ns
-nil_qn = '{%s}nil' % xsi_ns
-type_registry = {
- basestring: 'xsd:string',
- str: 'xsd:string',
- unicode: 'xsd:string',
- int: 'xsd:int',
- long: "xsd:long",
- float: "xsd:float",
- bool: "xsd:boolean",
- #unsigned: "xsd:unsignedInt",
- datetime.datetime: "xsd:dateTime",
- datetime.date: "xsd:date",
- datetime.time: "xsd:time",
- decimal.Decimal: "xsd:decimal",
- wsme.types.binary: "xsd:base64Binary",
-array_registry = {
- basestring: "String_Array",
- str: "String_Array",
- unicode: "String_Array",
- int: "Int_Array",
- long: "Long_Array",
- float: "Float_Array",
- bool: "Boolean_Array",
-def soap_array(datatype):
- if datatype in array_registry:
- return array_registry[datatype]
- return 'types:' + datatype.__name__ + '_Array'
-def soap_type(datatype):
- if type(datatype) == list:
- return soap_array(datatype[0])
- if datatype in type_registry:
- return type_registry[datatype]
- if wsme.types.iscomplex(datatype):
- return "types:%s" % datatype.__name__
-def soap_fname(funcdef):
- return "%s%s" % (
- "".join((i.capitalize() for i in funcdef.path)),
- funcdef.name.capitalize())
-def make_soap_element(datatype, tag, value):
- el = Element(tag)
- if value is None:
- el(**{'xsi:nil': 'true'})
- elif wsme.types.iscomplex(datatype):
- el(**{'xsi:type': datatype.__name__})
- for name, attrdef in wsme.types.list_attributes(datatype):
- el.append(
- tosoap(attrdef.datatype, name, getattr(value, name)))
- else:
- el(value, **{'xsi:type': type_registry.get(datatype)})
- return el
-def tosoap(datatype, tag, value):
- """Converts a value into xml Element objects for inclusion in the SOAP
- response output (after adding the type to the type_registry).
- If a non-complex user specific type is to be used in the api,
- a specific toxml should be added::
- from wsme.protocol.soap import tosoap, make_soap_element, type_registry
- class MySpecialType(object):
- pass
- type_registry[MySpecialType] = 'xsd:MySpecialType'
- @tosoap.when_object(MySpecialType)
- def myspecialtype_tosoap(datatype, tag, value):
- return make_soap_element(datatype, tag, str(value))
- """
- return make_soap_element(datatype, tag, value)
-def array_tosoap(datatype, tag, value):
- el = Element(tag)
- el(**{'xsi:type': soap_array(datatype[0])})
- if value is None:
- el(**{'xsi:nil': 'true'})
- for item in value:
- el.append(tosoap(datatype[0], 'item', item))
- return el
-def datetime_tosoap(datatype, tag, value):
- return make_soap_element(datatype, tag,
- value is not None and value.isoformat() or None)
-def binary_tosoap(datatype, tag, value):
- return make_soap_element(datatype, tag,
- value is not None and base64.encodestring(value)
- or None)
-def None_tosoap(datatype, tag, value):
- return make_soap_element(datatype, tag, None)
-def fromsoap(datatype, el, ns):
- """
- A generic converter from soap elements to python datatype.
- If a non-complex user specific type is to be used in the api,
- a specific fromsoap should be added.
- """
- if el.get(nil_qn) == 'true':
- return None
- soaptype = el.get(type_qn)
- if datatype in type_registry:
- if soaptype != type_registry[datatype]:
- raise exc.InvalidInput(el.tag, et.tostring(el))
- value = datatype(el.text)
- else:
- if soaptype != datatype.__name__:
- raise exc.InvalidInput(el.tag, et.tostring(el))
- value = datatype()
- for name, attr in wsme.types.list_attributes(datatype):
- child = el.find('{%s}%s' % (ns['type'], name))
- setattr(value, name, fromsoap(attr.datatype, child, ns))
- return value
-def array_fromsoap(datatype, el, ns):
- return [fromsoap(datatype[0], child, ns) for child in el]
-def date_fromsoap(datatype, el, ns):
- if el.get(nil_qn) == 'true':
- return None
- if el.get(type_qn) != 'xsd:date':
- raise exc.InvalidInput(el.tag, et.tostring(el))
- return parse_isodate(el.text)
-def time_fromsoap(datatype, el, ns):
- if el.get(nil_qn) == 'true':
- return None
- if el.get(type_qn) != 'xsd:time':
- raise exc.InvalidInput(el.tag, et.tostring(el))
- return parse_isotime(el.text)
-def datetime_fromsoap(datatype, el, ns):
- if el.get(nil_qn) == 'true':
- return None
- if el.get(type_qn) != 'xsd:dateTime':
- raise exc.InvalidInput(el.tag, et.tostring(el))
- return parse_isodatetime(el.text)
-def binary_fromsoap(datatype, el, ns):
- if el.get(nil_qn) == 'true':
- return None
- if el.get(type_qn) != 'xsd:base64Binary':
- raise exc.InvalidInput(el.tag, et.tostring(el))
- return base64.decodestring(el.text)
-class SoapProtocol(object):
- """
- SOAP protocol.
- .. autoattribute:: name
- .. autoattribute:: content_types
- """
- name = 'soap'
- content_types = ['application/soap+xml']
- ns = {
- "soap": "http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope",
- "soapenv": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
- "soapenc": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/",
- }
- def __init__(self, tns=None,
- typenamespace=None,
- baseURL=None):
- self.tns = tns
- self.typenamespace = typenamespace
- self.servicename = 'MyApp'
- self.baseURL = baseURL
- self._name_mapping = {}
- def get_name_mapping(self, service=None):
- if service not in self._name_mapping:
- self._name_mapping[service] = dict(
- (soap_fname(f), f.path + [f.name])
- for f in self.root.getapi()
- if service is None or (f.path and f.path[0] == service))
- return self._name_mapping[service]
- def accept(self, req):
- if req.path.endswith('.wsdl'):
- return True
- for ct in self.content_types:
- if req.headers['Content-Type'].startswith(ct):
- return True
- if req.headers.get("Soapaction"):
- return True
- return False
- def extract_path(self, request):
- if request.path.endswith('.wsdl'):
- return ['_protocol', self.name, 'api_wsdl']
- el = et.fromstring(request.body)
- body = el.find('{%(soapenv)s}Body' % self.ns)
- # Extract the service name from the tns
- message = list(body)[0]
- fname = message.tag
- if fname.startswith('{%s}' % self.typenamespace):
- fname = fname[len(self.typenamespace) + 2:]
- mapping = self.get_name_mapping()
- if fname not in mapping:
- raise exc.UnknownFunction(fname)
- path = mapping[fname]
- request._wsme_soap_message = message
- return path
- return None
- def read_arguments(self, funcdef, request):
- kw = {}
- if not hasattr(request, '_wsme_soap_message'):
- return kw
- msg = request._wsme_soap_message
- parameters = msg.find('{%s}parameters' % self.typenamespace)
- if parameters:
- for param in parameters:
- name = param.tag[len(self.typenamespace) + 2:]
- arg = funcdef.get_arg(name)
- value = fromsoap(arg.datatype, param, {
- 'type': self.typenamespace,
- })
- kw[name] = value
- return kw
- def soap_response(self, funcdef, result):
- r = Element(soap_fname(funcdef) + 'Response')
- r.append(tosoap(funcdef.return_type, 'result', result))
- return r
- def encode_result(self, funcdef, result):
- envelope = self.render_template('soap',
- typenamespace=self.typenamespace,
- result=result,
- funcdef=funcdef,
- soap_response=self.soap_response)
- return envelope
- def get_template(self, name):
- return pkg_resources.resource_string(
- __name__, 'templates/%s.html' % name)
- def render_template(self, name, **kw):
- tmpl = MarkupTemplate(self.get_template(name))
- stream = tmpl.generate(**kw)
- return stream.render('xml')
- def encode_error(self, infos):
- return self.render_template('fault',
- typenamespace=self.typenamespace,
- **infos)
- @pexpose(contenttype="text/xml")
- def api_wsdl(self, service=None):
- if service is None:
- servicename = self.servicename
- else:
- servicename = self.servicename + service.capitalize()
- return self.render_template('wsdl',
- tns=self.tns,
- typenamespace=self.typenamespace,
- soapenc=self.ns['soapenc'],
- service_name=servicename,
- complex_types=(t() for t in wsme.types.complex_types),
- funclist=self.root.getapi(),
- arrays=wsme.types.array_types,
- list_attributes=wsme.types.list_attributes,
- baseURL=self.baseURL,
- soap_array=soap_array,
- soap_type=soap_type,
- soap_fname=soap_fname,
- )
diff --git a/wsme/protocols/templates/__init__.py b/wsme/protocols/templates/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/wsme/protocols/templates/fault.html b/wsme/protocols/templates/fault.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e36ec5..0000000
--- a/wsme/protocols/templates/fault.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- ${faultcode}
- ${faultstring}
- ${debuginfo}
diff --git a/wsme/protocols/templates/soap.html b/wsme/protocols/templates/soap.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2c470..0000000
--- a/wsme/protocols/templates/soap.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- ${soap_response(funcdef, result)}
diff --git a/wsme/protocols/templates/wsdl.html b/wsme/protocols/templates/wsdl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c9bf11..0000000
--- a/wsme/protocols/templates/wsdl.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- ${funcdef.doc}
- WSDL File for ${service_name}
diff --git a/wsme/tests/test_soap.py b/wsme/tests/test_soap.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d86c57..0000000
--- a/wsme/tests/test_soap.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-import decimal
-import datetime
-import base64
-import wsme.tests.protocol
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
- import cElementTree as et
-from wsme.protocols.soap import SoapProtocol
-import wsme.utils
-tns = "http://foo.bar.baz/soap/"
-typenamespace = "http://foo.bar.baz/types/"
-soapenv_ns = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'
-xsi_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
-body_qn = '{%s}Body' % soapenv_ns
-fault_qn = '{%s}Fault' % soapenv_ns
-faultcode_qn = '{%s}faultcode' % soapenv_ns
-faultstring_qn = '{%s}faultstring' % soapenv_ns
-faultdetail_qn = '{%s}detail' % soapenv_ns
-type_qn = '{%s}type' % xsi_ns
-nil_qn = '{%s}nil' % xsi_ns
-def build_soap_message(method, params=""):
- message = """
- <%(method)s>
- %(params)s
- %(method)s>
-""" % dict(method=method,
- params=params,
- typenamespace=typenamespace)
- return message
-python_types = {
- int: ('xsd:int', str),
- float: ('xsd:float', str),
- str: ('xsd:string', str),
- unicode: ('xsd:string', unicode),
- wsme.types.binary: ('xsd:base64Binary', base64.encodestring),
- decimal.Decimal: ('xsd:decimal', str),
- datetime.date: ('xsd:date', datetime.date.isoformat),
- datetime.time: ('xsd:time', datetime.time.isoformat),
- datetime.datetime: ('xsd:dateTime', datetime.datetime.isoformat),
-array_types = {
- basestring: "String_Array",
- str: "String_Array",
- unicode: "String_Array",
- int: "Int_Array",
- long: "Long_Array",
- float: "Float_Array",
- bool: "Boolean_Array",
-def tosoap(tag, value):
- if isinstance(value, tuple):
- value, datatype = value
- else:
- datatype = type(value)
- el = et.Element(tag)
- if value is None:
- el.set('xsi:nil', True)
- elif isinstance(datatype, list):
- if datatype[0] in array_types:
- el.set('xsi:type', array_types[datatype[0]])
- else:
- el.set('xsi:type', 'types:' + datatype[0].__name__)
- for item in value:
- el.append(tosoap('item', (item, datatype[0])))
- elif datatype in python_types:
- stype, conv = python_types[datatype]
- el.text = conv(value)
- el.set('xsi:type', stype)
- else:
- el.set('xsi:type', datatype.__name__)
- for name, attr in datatype._wsme_attributes:
- if name in value:
- el.append(tosoap(name, (value[name], attr.datatype)))
- return el
-def read_bool(value):
- return value == 'true'
-soap_types = {
- 'xsd:string': unicode,
- 'xsd:int': int,
- 'xsd:long': long,
- 'xsd:float': float,
- 'xsd:decimal': decimal.Decimal,
- 'xsd:boolean': read_bool,
- 'xsd:date': wsme.utils.parse_isodate,
- 'xsd:time': wsme.utils.parse_isotime,
- 'xsd:dateTime': wsme.utils.parse_isodatetime,
- 'xsd:base64Binary': base64.decodestring,
-def fromsoap(el):
- if el.get(nil_qn) == 'true':
- return None
- t = el.get(type_qn)
- if t in soap_types:
- return soap_types[t](el.text)
- elif t and t.endswith('_Array'):
- return [fromsoap(i) for i in el]
- else:
- d = {}
- for child in el:
- name = child.tag
- assert name.startswith('{%s}' % typenamespace)
- name = name[len(typenamespace) + 2:]
- d[name] = fromsoap(child)
- return d
-class TestSOAP(wsme.tests.protocol.ProtocolTestCase):
- protocol = SoapProtocol(
- tns=tns, typenamespace=typenamespace)
- def test_simple_call(self):
- message = build_soap_message('Touch')
- print message
- res = self.app.post('/', message,
- headers={"Content-Type": "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"},
- expect_errors=True)
- print res.body
- assert res.status.startswith('200')
- def call(self, fpath, _rt=None, _accept=None,
- _no_result_decode=False, **kw):
- path = fpath.strip('/').split('/')
- # get the actual definition so we can build the adequate request
- if kw:
- el = et.Element('parameters')
- for key, value in kw.items():
- el.append(tosoap(key, value))
- params = et.tostring(el)
- else:
- params = ""
- methodname = ''.join((i.capitalize() for i in path))
- message = build_soap_message(methodname, params)
- print message
- headers = {"Content-Type": "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"}
- if _accept is not None:
- headers['Accept'] = _accept
- res = self.app.post('/', message,
- headers=headers,
- expect_errors=True)
- print "Status: ", res.status, "Received:", res.body
- if _no_result_decode:
- return res
- el = et.fromstring(res.body)
- body = el.find(body_qn)
- print body
- if res.status_int == 200:
- r = body.find('{%s}%sResponse' % (typenamespace, methodname))
- result = r.find('{%s}result' % typenamespace)
- print "Result element: ", result
- return fromsoap(result)
- elif res.status_int == 400:
- fault = body.find(fault_qn)
- raise wsme.tests.protocol.CallException(
- fault.find(faultcode_qn).text,
- fault.find(faultstring_qn).text,
- "")
- elif res.status_int == 500:
- fault = body.find(fault_qn)
- raise wsme.tests.protocol.CallException(
- fault.find(faultcode_qn).text,
- fault.find(faultstring_qn).text,
- fault.find(faultdetail_qn).text)
- if el.tag == 'error':
- raise wsme.tests.protocol.CallException(
- el.find('faultcode').text,
- el.find('faultstring').text,
- el.find('debuginfo') is not None and
- el.find('debuginfo').text or None)
- else:
- return loadxml(et.fromstring(res.body))
- def test_wsdl(self):
- res = self.app.get('/api.wsdl')
- print res.body
- assert res.body.find('NestedOuter_Array') != -1
- assert 'ReturntypesGetunicode' in res.body