.. _configuration: .. default-domain:: zuul Configuration ============= Nodepool reads its configuration from ``/etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml`` by default. The configuration file follows the standard YAML syntax with a number of sections defined with top level keys. For example, a full configuration file may have the ``diskimages``, ``labels``, and ``providers`` sections:: diskimages: ... labels: ... providers: ... The following drivers are available. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 aws azure gce ibmvpc kubernetes openshift openshift-pods openstack static metastatic The following sections are available. All are required unless otherwise indicated. .. attr-overview:: :maxdepth: 1 Options ------- .. attr:: webapp Define the webapp endpoint port and listen address .. attr:: port :default: 8005 :type: int The port to provide basic status information .. attr:: listen_address :default: Listen address for web app .. attr:: elements-dir :example: /path/to/elements/dir :type: str If an image is configured to use diskimage-builder and glance to locally create and upload images, then a collection of diskimage-builder elements must be present. The ``elements-dir`` parameter indicates a directory that holds one or more elements. .. attr:: images-dir :example: /path/to/images/dir :type: str When we generate images using diskimage-builder they need to be written to somewhere. The ``images-dir`` parameter is the place to write them. .. note:: The builder daemon creates a UUID to uniquely identify itself and to mark image builds in ZooKeeper that it owns. This file will be named ``builder_id.txt`` and will live in the directory named by the :attr:`images-dir` option. If this file does not exist, it will be created on builder startup and a UUID will be created automatically. .. attr:: build-log-dir :example: /path/to/log/dir :type: str The builder will store build logs in this directory. It will create one file for each build, named `-.log`; for example, `fedora-0000000004.log`. It defaults to ``/var/log/nodepool/builds``. .. attr:: build-log-retention :default: 7 :type: int At the start of each build, the builder will remove old build logs if they exceed this value. This option specifies how many will be kept (usually you will see one more, as deletion happens before starting a new build). By default, the last 7 old build logs are kept. Set this to ``-1`` to disable removal of logs. .. attr:: zookeeper-servers :type: list :required: Lists the ZooKeeper servers uses for coordinating information between nodepool workers. .. code-block:: yaml zookeeper-servers: - host: zk1.example.com port: 2181 chroot: /nodepool Each entry is a dictionary with the following keys .. attr:: host :type: str :example: zk1.example.com :required: A zookeeper host .. attr:: port :default: 2181 :type: int Port to talk to zookeeper .. attr:: chroot :type: str :example: /nodepool The ``chroot`` key, used for interpreting ZooKeeper paths relative to the supplied root path, is also optional and has no default. .. attr:: zookeeper-tls :type: dict To use TLS connections with Zookeeper, provide this dictionary with the following keys: .. attr:: cert :type: string :required: The path to the PEM encoded certificate. .. attr:: key :type: string :required: The path to the PEM encoded key. .. attr:: ca :type: string :required: The path to the PEM encoded CA certificate. .. attr:: zookeeper-timeout :type: float :default: 10.0 The ZooKeeper session timeout, in seconds. .. attr:: labels :type: list Defines the types of nodes that should be created. Jobs should be written to run on nodes of a certain label. Example .. code-block:: yaml labels: - name: my-precise max-ready-age: 3600 min-ready: 2 - name: multi-precise min-ready: 2 Each entry is a dictionary with the following keys .. attr:: name :type: string :required: Unique name used to tie jobs to those instances. .. attr:: max-ready-age :type: int :default: 0 Maximum number of seconds the node shall be in ready state. If this is exceeded the node will be deleted. A value of 0 disables this. .. attr:: min-ready :type: int :default: 0 Minimum number of instances that should be in a ready state. Nodepool always creates more nodes as necessary in response to demand, but setting ``min-ready`` can speed processing by attempting to keep nodes on-hand and ready for immedate use. ``min-ready`` is best-effort based on available capacity and is not a guaranteed allocation. The default of 0 means that nodepool will only create nodes of this label when there is demand. Set to -1 to have the label considered disabled, so that no nodes will be created at all. .. attr:: max-hold-age :type: int :default: 0 Maximum number of seconds a node shall be in "hold" state. If this is exceeded the node will be deleted. A value of 0 disables this. This setting is applied to all nodes, regardless of label or provider. .. attr:: diskimages :type: list This section lists the images to be built using diskimage-builder. The name of the diskimage is mapped to the :attr:`providers.[openstack].diskimages` section of the provider, to determine which providers should received uploads of each image. The diskimage will be built in every format required by the providers with which it is associated. Because Nodepool needs to know which formats to build, if the diskimage will only be built if it appears in at least one provider. To remove a diskimage from the system entirely, remove all associated entries in :attr:`providers.[openstack].diskimages` and remove its entry from ``diskimages``. All uploads will be deleted as well as the files on disk. If multiple builders are used to build disjoint images, the `diskimage` stanza for every image must be present on every builder, however, each builder may have different providers configured, and a given builder will only build images used by its configured providers. A sample configuration section is illustrated below. .. code-block:: yaml diskimages: - name: base abstract: True elements: - vm - simple-init - openstack-repos - nodepool-base - cache-devstack - cache-bindep - growroot - infra-package-needs env-vars: TMPDIR: /opt/dib_tmp DIB_CHECKSUM: '1' DIB_IMAGE_CACHE: /opt/dib_cache - name: ubuntu-bionic parent: base pause: False rebuild-age: 86400 elements: - ubuntu-minimal release: bionic username: zuul env-vars: DIB_APT_LOCAL_CACHE: '0' DIB_DISABLE_APT_CLEANUP: '1' FS_TYPE: ext3 - name: ubuntu-focal base: ubuntu-bionic release: focal env-vars: DIB_DISABLE_APT_CLEANUP: '0' - name: centos-8 parent: base pause: True rebuild-age: 86400 formats: - raw - tar elements: - centos-minimal - epel release: '8' username: centos env-vars: FS_TYPE: xfs Each entry is a dictionary with the following keys .. attr:: name :type: string :required: Identifier to reference the disk image in :attr:`providers.[openstack].diskimages` and :attr:`labels`. .. attr:: abstract :type: bool :default: False An ``abstract`` entry is used to group common configuration together, but will not create any actual image. A ``diskimage`` marked as ``abstract`` should be inherited from in another ``diskimage`` via its :attr:`diskimages.parent` attribute. An `abstract` entry can have a :attr:`diskimages.parent` attribute as well; values will merge down. .. attr:: parent :type: str A parent ``diskimage`` entry to inherit from. Any values from the parent will be populated into this image. Setting any fields in the current image will override the parent values execept for the following: * :attr:`diskimages.env-vars`: new keys are additive, any existing keys from the parent will be overwritten by values in the current diskimage (i.e. Python `update()` semantics for a dictionary). * :attr:`diskimages.elements`: values are additive; the list of elements from the parent will be extended with any values in the current diskimage. Note that the element list passed to `diskimage-builder` is not ordered; elements specify their own dependencies and `diskimage-builder` builds a graph from that, not the command-line order. Note that a parent ``diskimage`` may also have it's own parent, creating a chain of inheritance. See also :attr:`diskimages.abstract` for defining common configuration that does not create a diskimage. .. attr:: formats :type: list The list of formats to build is normally automatically created based on the needs of the providers to which the image is uploaded. To build images even when no providers are configured or to build additional formats which you know you may need in the future, list those formats here. In case the diskimage is not used by any provider and no formats are configured, the image won't be built. .. attr:: rebuild-age :type: int :default: 86400 If the current diskimage is older than this value (in seconds), then nodepool will attempt to rebuild it. Defaults to 86400 (24 hours). .. attr:: release :type: string Specifies the distro to be used as a base image to build the image using diskimage-builder. .. attr:: build-timeout :type: int How long (in seconds) to wait for the diskimage build before giving up. The default is 8 hours. .. attr:: elements :type: list Enumerates all the elements that will be included when building the image, and will point to the :attr:`elements-dir` path referenced in the same config file. .. attr:: env-vars :type: dict Arbitrary environment variables that will be available in the spawned diskimage-builder child process. .. attr:: pause :type: bool :default: False When set to True, ``nodepool-builder`` will not build the diskimage. .. attr:: username :type: string :default: zuul The username that a consumer should use when connecting to the node. .. attr:: python-path :type: string :default: auto The path of the default python interpreter. Used by Zuul to set ``ansible_python_interpreter``. The special value ``auto`` will direct Zuul to use inbuilt Ansible logic to select the interpreter on Ansible >=2.8, and default to ``/usr/bin/python2`` for earlier versions. .. attr:: shell-type :type: str :default: sh The shell type of the node's default shell executable. Used by Zuul to set ``ansible_shell_type``. This setting should not be used unless the default shell is a non-Bourne (sh) compatible shell, e.g. ``csh`` or ``fish``. For a windows image with the experimental `connection-type` ``ssh``, ``cmd`` or ``powershell`` should be set and reflect the node's ``DefaultShell`` configuration. .. attr:: dib-cmd :type: string :default: disk-image-create Configure the command called to create this disk image. By default this just ``disk-image-create``; i.e. it will use the first match in ``$PATH``. For example, you may want to override this with a fully qualified path to an alternative executable if a custom ``diskimage-builder`` is installed in another virutalenv. .. note:: Any wrapping scripts or similar should consider that the command-line or environment arguments to ``disk-image-create`` are not considered an API and may change. .. attr:: metadata :type: dict This provides default values for the provider-specific `metadata` or `tags` values which can be set for diskimage uploads to specific providers. This is a dictionary of arbitrary key/value pairs. Avoid the use of `nodepool_` as a key prefix since Nodepool uses this for internal values. .. attr:: providers :type: list Lists the providers Nodepool should use. Each provider is associated to a driver listed below. Each entry is a dictionary with the following keys .. attr:: name :type: string :required: Name of the provider .. attr:: max-concurrency :type: int :default: 0 Maximum number of node requests that this provider is allowed to handle concurrently. The default, if not specified, is to have no maximum. Since each node request is handled by a separate thread, this can be useful for limiting the number of threads used by the nodepool-launcher daemon. .. attr:: priority :type: int :default: 100 The priority of this provider (a lesser number is a higher priority). Nodepool launchers will yield requests to other provider pools with a higher priority as long as they are not paused. This means that in general, higher priority pools will reach quota first before lower priority pools begin to be used. This setting provides the default for each provider pool, but the value can be overidden in the pool configuration. .. attr:: driver :type: string :default: openstack The driver type. .. value:: aws For details on the extra options required and provided by the AWS driver, see the separate section :ref:`aws-driver` .. value:: azure For details on the extra options required and provided by the Azure driver, see the separate section :ref:`azure-driver` .. value:: gce For details on the extra options required and provided by the GCE driver, see the separate section :ref:`gce-driver` .. value:: kubernetes For details on the extra options required and provided by the kubernetes driver, see the separate section :ref:`kubernetes-driver` .. value:: openshift For details on the extra options required and provided by the openshift driver, see the separate section :ref:`openshift-driver` .. value:: openshiftpods For details on the extra options required and provided by the openshiftpods driver, see the separate section :ref:`openshift-pods-driver` .. value:: openstack For details on the extra options required and provided by the OpenStack driver, see the separate section :ref:`openstack-driver` .. value:: static For details on the extra options required and provided by the static driver, see the separate section :ref:`static-driver` .. attr:: tenant-resource-limits :type: list A list of global resource limits enforced per tenant (e.g. Zuul tenants). These limits are calculated on a best-effort basis. Because of parallelism within launcher instances, and especially with multiple launcher instances, the limits are not guaranteed to be exact. .. code-block:: yaml tenant-resource-limits: - tenant-name: example-tenant max-servers: 10 max-cores: 200 max-ram: 16565 'L-43DA4232': 224 Each entry is a dictionary with the following keys. Any other keys are interpreted as driver-specific resource limits (otherwise specified as ``max-resources`` in the provider configuration). The only driver that currently supports additional resource limits is AWS. .. attr:: tenant-name :type: str :example: example-tenant :required: A tenant name correspodinding, e.g., to a Zuul tenant. .. attr:: max-servers :default: infinity :type: int The maximum number of servers a tenant can allocate. .. attr:: max-cores :default: infinity :type: int The maximum number of CPU cores a tenant can allocate. .. attr:: max-ram :default: infinity :type: int The maximum number of main memory (RAM) a tenant can allocate.