For pre-existing cloud images (not managed by nodepool), referencing them by ID was failing since they could not be found with this data, only by name. Current code expects the shade get_image() call to accept a dict with an 'id' key, which will return that same dict without any provider API calls. This dict can then be used in createServer() to bypass looking up the image to get the image ID. However, shade does not accept a dict for this purpose, but an object with an 'id' attribute. This is possibly a bug in shade to not accept a dict. But since nodepool knows whether or not it has an ID (image-id) vs. an image name (image-name), it can bypass shade altogether when image-id is used in the config. Note: There is currently no image ID validation done before image creation when an image-id value is supplied. Not even shade validated the image ID with a passed in object. Server creation will fail with an easily identifiable message about this, though. Change-Id: I732026d1a305c71af53917285f4ebb2beaf3341d Story: 2002013 Task: 19653
Nodepool is a service used by the OpenStack CI team to deploy and manage a pool of devstack images on a cloud server for use in OpenStack project testing.
Developer setup
Make sure you have pip installed:
Install dependencies:
sudo pip install bindep
sudo apt-get install $(bindep -b nodepool)
mkdir src
cd ~/src
git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/system-config
git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/nodepool
cd nodepool
sudo pip install -U -r requirements.txt
sudo pip install -e .
If you're testing a specific patch that is already in gerrit, you will also want to install git-review and apply that patch while in the nodepool directory, ie:
Create or adapt a nodepool yaml file. You can adapt an infra/system-config one, or fake.yaml as desired. Note that fake.yaml's settings won't Just Work - consult ./modules/openstack_project/templates/nodepool/nodepool.yaml.erb in the infra/system-config tree to see a production config.
If the cloud being used has no default_floating_pool defined in nova.conf, you will need to define a pool name using the nodepool yaml file to use floating ips.
Export variable for your ssh key so you can log into the created instances:
Start nodepool with a demo config file (copy or edit fake.yaml to contain your data):
All logging ends up in stdout.
Use the following tool to check on progress: