Ian Wienand db87a0845f Set default python-path to "auto"
The "python-path" configuration option makes its way through to Zuul
where it sets the "ansible_interpreter_path" in the inventory.
Currently this defaults to "/usr/bin/python2" which is wrong for
Python 3-only distributions.

Ansible >=2.8 provides for automated discovery of the interpreter to
avoid runtime errors choosing an invalid interpreter [1].  Using this
should mean that "python-path" doesn't need to be explicitly for any
common case.  As more distributions become Python 3 only, this should
"do the right thing" without further configuration.

This switches the default python-path to "auto".  The dependent change
updates Zuul to accept this and use it when running with Ansible
>=2.8, or default back to "/usr/bin/python2" for earlier Ansible

Testing and documentation is updated, and a release note added.

[1] https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.8/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html

Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/682275
Change-Id: I02a1a618c8806b150049e91b644ec3c0cb826ba4
2019-10-17 09:17:50 +11:00

429 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
import voluptuous as v
from nodepool.driver import ProviderConfig
from nodepool.driver import ConfigValue
from nodepool.driver import ConfigPool
class ProviderDiskImage(ConfigValue):
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.pause = False
self.config_drive = None
self.connection_type = None
self.connection_port = None
self.meta = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ProviderDiskImage):
return (self.name == other.name and
self.pause == other.pause and
self.config_drive == other.config_drive and
self.connection_type == other.connection_type and
self.connection_port == other.connection_port and
self.meta == other.meta)
return False
def __repr__(self):
return "<ProviderDiskImage %s>" % self.name
class ProviderCloudImage(ConfigValue):
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.config_drive = None
self.image_id = None
self.image_name = None
self.username = None
self.python_path = None
self.connection_type = None
self.connection_port = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ProviderCloudImage):
return (self.name == other.name and
self.config_drive == other.config_drive and
self.image_id == other.image_id and
self.image_name == other.image_name and
self.username == other.username and
self.python_path == other.python_path and
self.connection_type == other.connection_type and
self.connection_port == other.connection_port)
return False
def __repr__(self):
return "<ProviderCloudImage %s>" % self.name
def external_name(self):
'''Human readable version of external.'''
return self.image_id or self.image_name or self.name
class ProviderLabel(ConfigValue):
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.diskimage = None
self.cloud_image = None
self.min_ram = None
self.flavor_name = None
self.key_name = None
self.console_log = False
self.boot_from_volume = False
self.volume_size = None
self.instance_properties = None
self.userdata = None
self.networks = []
self.host_key_checking = True
# The ProviderPool object that owns this label.
self.pool = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ProviderLabel):
# NOTE(Shrews): We intentionally do not compare 'pool' here
# since this causes recursive checks with ProviderPool.
return (other.diskimage == self.diskimage and
other.cloud_image == self.cloud_image and
other.min_ram == self.min_ram and
other.flavor_name == self.flavor_name and
other.key_name == self.key_name and
other.name == self.name and
other.console_log == self.console_log and
other.boot_from_volume == self.boot_from_volume and
other.volume_size == self.volume_size and
other.instance_properties == self.instance_properties and
other.userdata == self.userdata and
other.networks == self.networks and
other.host_key_checking == self.host_key_checking)
return False
def __repr__(self):
return "<ProviderLabel %s>" % self.name
class ProviderPool(ConfigPool):
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.max_cores = None
self.max_ram = None
self.ignore_provider_quota = False
self.azs = None
self.networks = None
self.security_groups = None
self.auto_floating_ip = True
self.host_key_checking = True
self.labels = None
# The OpenStackProviderConfig object that owns this pool.
self.provider = None
# Initialize base class attributes
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ProviderPool):
# NOTE(Shrews): We intentionally do not compare 'provider' here
# since this causes recursive checks with OpenStackProviderConfig.
return (super().__eq__(other) and
other.name == self.name and
other.max_cores == self.max_cores and
other.max_ram == self.max_ram and
other.ignore_provider_quota == (
self.ignore_provider_quota) and
other.azs == self.azs and
other.networks == self.networks and
other.security_groups == self.security_groups and
other.auto_floating_ip == self.auto_floating_ip and
other.host_key_checking == self.host_key_checking and
other.labels == self.labels)
return False
def __repr__(self):
return "<ProviderPool %s>" % self.name
def load(self, pool_config, full_config, provider):
Load pool configuration options.
:param dict pool_config: A single pool config section from which we
will load the values.
:param dict full_config: The full nodepool config.
:param OpenStackProviderConfig: The calling provider object.
self.provider = provider
self.name = pool_config['name']
self.max_cores = pool_config.get('max-cores', math.inf)
self.max_ram = pool_config.get('max-ram', math.inf)
self.ignore_provider_quota = pool_config.get('ignore-provider-quota',
self.azs = pool_config.get('availability-zones')
self.networks = pool_config.get('networks', [])
self.security_groups = pool_config.get('security-groups', [])
self.auto_floating_ip = bool(pool_config.get('auto-floating-ip', True))
self.host_key_checking = bool(pool_config.get('host-key-checking',
for label in pool_config.get('labels', []):
pl = ProviderLabel()
pl.name = label['name']
pl.pool = self
self.labels[pl.name] = pl
diskimage = label.get('diskimage', None)
if diskimage:
pl.diskimage = full_config.diskimages[diskimage]
pl.diskimage = None
cloud_image_name = label.get('cloud-image', None)
if cloud_image_name:
cloud_image = provider.cloud_images.get(cloud_image_name, None)
if not cloud_image:
raise ValueError(
"cloud-image %s does not exist in provider %s"
" but is referenced in label %s" %
(cloud_image_name, self.name, pl.name))
cloud_image = None
pl.cloud_image = cloud_image
pl.min_ram = label.get('min-ram', 0)
pl.flavor_name = label.get('flavor-name', None)
pl.key_name = label.get('key-name')
pl.console_log = label.get('console-log', False)
pl.boot_from_volume = bool(label.get('boot-from-volume',
pl.volume_size = label.get('volume-size', 50)
pl.instance_properties = label.get('instance-properties',
pl.userdata = label.get('userdata', None)
pl.networks = label.get('networks', self.networks)
pl.host_key_checking = label.get(
'host-key-checking', self.host_key_checking)
top_label = full_config.labels[pl.name]
class OpenStackProviderConfig(ProviderConfig):
def __init__(self, driver, provider):
self.driver_object = driver
self.__pools = {}
self.cloud_config = None
self.image_type = None
self.rate = None
self.boot_timeout = None
self.launch_timeout = None
self.clean_floating_ips = None
self.diskimages = {}
self.cloud_images = {}
self.hostname_format = None
self.image_name_format = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, OpenStackProviderConfig):
return (super().__eq__(other) and
other.cloud_config == self.cloud_config and
other.pools == self.pools and
other.image_type == self.image_type and
other.rate == self.rate and
other.boot_timeout == self.boot_timeout and
other.launch_timeout == self.launch_timeout and
other.clean_floating_ips == self.clean_floating_ips and
other.diskimages == self.diskimages and
other.cloud_images == self.cloud_images)
return False
def _cloudKwargs(self):
cloud_kwargs = {}
for arg in ['region-name', 'cloud']:
if arg in self.provider:
cloud_kwargs[arg] = self.provider[arg]
return cloud_kwargs
def pools(self):
return self.__pools
def manage_images(self):
return True
def load(self, config):
cloud_kwargs = self._cloudKwargs()
openstack_config = self.driver_object.openstack_config
self.cloud_config = openstack_config.get_one(**cloud_kwargs)
self.image_type = self.cloud_config.config['image_format']
self.region_name = self.provider.get('region-name')
self.rate = float(self.provider.get('rate', 1.0))
self.boot_timeout = self.provider.get('boot-timeout', 60)
self.launch_timeout = self.provider.get('launch-timeout', 3600)
self.launch_retries = self.provider.get('launch-retries', 3)
self.clean_floating_ips = self.provider.get('clean-floating-ips')
self.hostname_format = self.provider.get(
self.image_name_format = self.provider.get(
default_port_mapping = {
'ssh': 22,
'winrm': 5986,
for image in self.provider.get('diskimages', []):
i = ProviderDiskImage()
i.name = image['name']
self.diskimages[i.name] = i
diskimage = config.diskimages[i.name]
i.pause = bool(image.get('pause', False))
i.config_drive = image.get('config-drive', None)
i.connection_type = image.get('connection-type', 'ssh')
i.connection_port = image.get(
default_port_mapping.get(i.connection_type, 22))
# This dict is expanded and used as custom properties when
# the image is uploaded.
i.meta = image.get('meta', {})
# 5 elements, and no key or value can be > 255 chars
# per Nova API rules
if i.meta:
if len(i.meta) > 5 or \
any([len(k) > 255 or len(v) > 255
for k, v in i.meta.items()]):
# soft-fail
# self.log.error("Invalid metadata for %s; ignored"
# % i.name)
i.meta = {}
for image in self.provider.get('cloud-images', []):
i = ProviderCloudImage()
i.name = image['name']
i.config_drive = image.get('config-drive', None)
i.image_id = image.get('image-id', None)
i.image_name = image.get('image-name', None)
i.username = image.get('username', None)
i.python_path = image.get('python-path', 'auto')
i.connection_type = image.get('connection-type', 'ssh')
i.connection_port = image.get(
default_port_mapping.get(i.connection_type, 22))
self.cloud_images[i.name] = i
for pool in self.provider.get('pools', []):
pp = ProviderPool()
pp.load(pool, config, self)
self.pools[pp.name] = pp
def getSchema(self):
provider_diskimage = {
'name': str,
'pause': bool,
'meta': dict,
'config-drive': bool,
'connection-type': str,
'connection-port': int,
provider_cloud_images = {
'name': str,
'config-drive': bool,
'connection-type': str,
'connection-port': int,
v.Exclusive('image-id', 'cloud-image-name-or-id'): str,
v.Exclusive('image-name', 'cloud-image-name-or-id'): str,
'username': str,
'python-path': str,
pool_label_main = {
v.Required('name'): str,
v.Exclusive('diskimage', 'label-image'): str,
v.Exclusive('cloud-image', 'label-image'): str,
'min-ram': int,
'flavor-name': str,
'key-name': str,
'console-log': bool,
'boot-from-volume': bool,
'volume-size': int,
'instance-properties': dict,
'userdata': str,
'networks': [str],
'host-key-checking': bool,
label_min_ram = v.Schema({v.Required('min-ram'): int}, extra=True)
label_flavor_name = v.Schema({v.Required('flavor-name'): str},
label_diskimage = v.Schema({v.Required('diskimage'): str}, extra=True)
label_cloud_image = v.Schema({v.Required('cloud-image'): str},
pool_label = v.All(pool_label_main,
v.Any(label_min_ram, label_flavor_name),
v.Any(label_diskimage, label_cloud_image))
pool = ConfigPool.getCommonSchemaDict()
'name': str,
'networks': [str],
'auto-floating-ip': bool,
'host-key-checking': bool,
'ignore-provider-quota': bool,
'max-cores': int,
'max-ram': int,
'labels': [pool_label],
'availability-zones': [str],
'security-groups': [str]
schema = ProviderConfig.getCommonSchemaDict()
'region-name': str,
v.Required('cloud'): str,
'boot-timeout': int,
'launch-timeout': int,
'launch-retries': int,
'nodepool-id': str,
'rate': v.Coerce(float),
'hostname-format': str,
'image-name-format': str,
'clean-floating-ips': bool,
'pools': [pool],
'diskimages': [provider_diskimage],
'cloud-images': [provider_cloud_images],
return v.Schema(schema)
def getSupportedLabels(self, pool_name=None):
labels = set()
for pool in self.pools.values():
if not pool_name or (pool.name == pool_name):
return labels