This adds a "job-graph" subcommand which uses the freeze-jobs api to return information about what jobs may be run. This also adds a new formatter, "dot". The only command supporting this formatter is job-graph. To see it in action, try: zuul-client --format dot --zuul-url https://zuul.opendev.org job-graph --tenant openstack --pipeline check --project opendev/system-config --branch master | xdot - Finally, this also adds "json" as an acceptable alias to "JSON" when specifying the output format since that is a widely used convention. Change-Id: I9adc3ab87bfa11432ae621b65dd94189bb17e42c
Zuul-client is a CLI tool that can be used to interact with Zuul, the project gating system.
The latest documentation for Zuul and Zuul Client can be found at: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/
Getting Help
There are two Zuul-related mailing lists:
- zuul-announce
A low-traffic announcement-only list to which every Zuul operator or power-user should subscribe.
- zuul-discuss
General discussion about Zuul, including questions about how to use it, and future development.
You will also find Zuul developers in the #zuul channel on Freenode IRC.
To browse the latest code, see: https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul-client To clone the latest code, use git clone https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul-client
Bugs are handled at: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/zuul/zuul
Suspected security vulnerabilities are most appreciated if first reported privately following any of the supported mechanisms described at https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/user/vulnerabilities.html
Code reviews are handled by gerrit at https://review.opendev.org
After creating a Gerrit account, use git review to submit patches. Example:
# Do your commits
$ git review
# Enter your username if prompted
Join #zuul on Freenode to discuss development or usage.
Zuul-client is free software, and licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.
Python Version Support
Zuul-client requires Python 3. It does not support Python 2.