Ensure specified python interpreter and development files are installed There are three ways to install the python interpreter: 1. Using distribution packages: This is the default (``python_use_pyenv`` and ``python_use_stow`` are both ``false``). 2. Install using ``pyenv``. 3. Install using ``stow``. .. note:: You cannot use both ``pyenv`` and ``stow`` method for the same job. That means that ``python_use_pyenv`` and ``python_use_stow`` cannot be set both to ``True`` at the same time. **Role Variables** .. zuul:jobvar:: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} The project directory. Serves as the location for version files for ``python_use_pyenv``. .. zuul:rolevar:: python_version :type: str Optional version of python interpreter to install, such as ``3.7``. Note that you should use a string value for this variable rather than a float. This avoids problems with 3.10 being evaluated as 3.1. .. zuul:rolevar:: python_use_pyenv :type: bool :default: False Whether to optionally use ``pyenv`` to install python instead of distro packages. If this is given without a ``python_version``, it will look for a ``.python-version`` file in the ``zuul_work_dir``. .. zuul:rolevar:: python_use_stow :type: bool :default: False In case you have image with already prepared python versions, for example used the python-stow-versions element, you can activate them with stow utility by setting this variable to ``true``. .. zuul:rolevar:: python_stow_dir :type: str :default: /usr/local/stow Sets the target directory for stow. This should be the path to the directory where prepared python packages are located.