# We're not using with_first_found because the files are remote, not local. # We want to use stestr if it exists or fallback to testr - and we want to # prefer files found in tox envs. - name: Find stestr or testr executable script: "find-testr.sh {{ zuul_work_dir }}" register: testr_command failed_when: false - when: - testr_command.rc == 0 # Here we run steps that should apply whether or not there is a valid # subunit stream present. block: - name: Get the list of directories with subunit files set_fact: all_subunit_dirs: "{{ [ zuul_work_dir ] + fetch_subunit_output_additional_dirs }}" # If (s)testr was stopped early (possibly due to a timeout) it will "leak" # a tmp file of the inflight subunit stream. Collect this as it is useful # for debugging in these situations. Because it isn't a complete file # we don't process it further. - name: Find any inflight partial subunit files find: paths: - "{{ zj_item }}/.testrepository" - "{{ zj_item }}/.stestr" patterns: - 'tmp*' register: partial_subunit_files loop: "{{ all_subunit_dirs }}" loop_control: loop_var: zj_item # This loop is a bit convoluted because what we get from the previous # task is a list of dicts containing a list of files. We use # with_subelements to iterate over the list of dicts and their internal # files lists. - name: Copy any inflight subunit files copy: dest: "{{ zuul_output_dir }}/logs/" src: "{{ zj_item.1.path }}" remote_src: true mode: 0644 with_subelements: - "{{ partial_subunit_files.results }}" - files loop_control: loop_var: zj_item - when: - testr_command.rc == 0 - testr_command.stdout_lines # Here we run steps that only apply when there is a valid subunity stream. # This is indicated through testr_command.stdout_lines content. block: # The usage an independent target file instead of sending the output # to zuul_work_dir prevents issues related to zuul_work_dir being # a relative path, which may happen despite what the documentation # of this role claims. - name: Create a temporary file to store the subunit stream tempfile: state: file prefix: subunit. register: temp_subunit_file - name: Generate subunit file shell: cmd: "{{ testr_command.stdout_lines[0] }} last --subunit >>{{ temp_subunit_file.path }}" chdir: "{{ zj_item }}" loop: "{{ all_subunit_dirs }}" loop_control: loop_var: zj_item - name: Copy the combined subunit file to the zuul work directory copy: src: "{{ temp_subunit_file.path }}" dest: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/testrepository.subunit" mode: 0644 remote_src: yes - name: Remove the temporary file file: name: "{{ temp_subunit_file.path }}" state: absent failed_when: false - name: Process and fetch subunit results include_tasks: process.yaml