- hosts: all vars: upload_container_image_promote: false upload_docker_image_promote: false _arch_docker_images: - context: test-playbooks/container/docker repository: "testrepo" # This is what the Zuul repo uses to tag its releases: tags: "{{ zuul.tag is defined | ternary([zuul.get('tag', '').split('.')[0], '.'.join(zuul.get('tag', '').split('.')[:2]), zuul.get('tag', '')], ['latest']) }}" arch: ['linux/amd64', 'linux/arm64'] _normal_docker_images: - context: test-playbooks/container/docker repository: "testrepo" # This is what the Zuul repo uses to tag its releases: tags: "{{ zuul.tag is defined | ternary([zuul.get('tag', '').split('.')[0], '.'.join(zuul.get('tag', '').split('.')[:2]), zuul.get('tag', '')], ['latest']) }}" container_images: - context: test-playbooks/container/docker registry: repository: # This is what the Zuul repo uses to tag its releases: tags: "{{ zuul.tag is defined | ternary([zuul.get('tag', '').split('.')[0], '.'.join(zuul.get('tag', '').split('.')[:2]), zuul.get('tag', '')], ['latest']) }}" tasks: - name: Save zuul variables set_fact: old_zuul: "{{ zuul }}" - name: Set simulated zuul variables set_fact: new_zuul: pipeline: "{{ old_zuul.pipeline }}" change_url: "{{ old_zuul.change_url }}" executor: "{{ old_zuul.executor }}" newrev: c12f3fe1defe8b61d59061363c9c04fb520dae18 project: "{{ old_zuul.project }}" ref: refs/tags/3.19.0 tag: 3.19.0 - name: "Build a container image" include_role: name: "build-{{ (container_command == 'docker') | ternary('docker', 'container') }}-image" vars: zuul: "{{ new_zuul }}" docker_images: "{{ multiarch | ternary(_arch_docker_images, _normal_docker_images) }}" - include_role: name: "upload-{{ (container_command == 'docker') | ternary('docker', 'container') }}-image" vars: zuul: "{{ new_zuul }}" docker_images: "{{ multiarch | ternary(_arch_docker_images, _normal_docker_images) }}" - name: "Show local container images for debugging" command: "{{ container_command }} image ls"