- hosts: all roles: - ensure-tox tasks: - name: Run bindep include_role: name: bindep - name: Run tox with constraints include_role: name: tox vars: tox_envlist: docs tox_constraints_file: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/zuul-tests.d/test-constraints.txt' # Make sure we test with verbose output even if the default changes tox_extra_args: '-vv' - name: Run tox with multiple testenvs include_role: name: tox vars: tox_envlist: docs,linters tox_environment: ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/roles" # Make sure we test with verbose output even if the default changes tox_extra_args: '-vv' - name: Create tempfile to verify testenvs ran tempfile: register: default_tempfile - block: - name: Run tox with empty envlist include_role: name: tox vars: zuul_work_dir: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/test-playbooks/python/" tox_extra_args: "{{ default_tempfile.path }}" tox_install_siblings: false tox_envlist: '' - name: Make sure magic lines are present lineinfile: path: "{{ default_tempfile.path }}" line: linters check_mode: true register: default_status failed_when: default_status is changed always: - name: Remove tempfile file: state: absent path: "{{ default_tempfile.path }}" - block: - name: Create tempfile to verify testenvs ran tempfile: register: ALL_tempfile - name: Run tox with ALL include_role: name: tox vars: zuul_work_dir: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/test-playbooks/python/" tox_install_siblings: false tox_extra_args: "{{ ALL_tempfile.path }}" tox_envlist: 'ALL' always: - name: Make sure magic lines are present loop: - linters - non-default lineinfile: path: "{{ ALL_tempfile.path }}" line: "{{ item }}" check_mode: true register: ALL_status failed_when: ALL_status is changed - name: Run tox with tox_envlist = %s include_role: name: tox vars: zuul_work_dir: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/test-playbooks/python/" tox_envlist: '%s' # Make sure we test with verbose output even if the default changes tox_extra_args: '-vv'