- block: - name: Check that ARA is installed command: bash -c "type -p {{ ara_report_executable }}" failed_when: false register: ara_installed - name: Warn if ARA is not installed debug: msg: | ARA is not installed, no report will be available. when: ara_installed.rc != 0 - name: Check that the ARA database exists stat: path: "{{ ara_database_path }}" register: ara_db - name: Warn if no database is found debug: msg: | No report will be available because the ARA database was not found. when: not ara_db.stat.exists - name: Validate role configuration assert: that: - ara_report_type in ['html', 'database'] - ara_compress_html in [true, false] - ara_report_run in [true, false, 'failure'] rescue: - name: Role validation rescue debug: msg: | Something failed during the validation of the role configuration and pre-requirements. It is likely that no report will be available, please verify the execution and the parameters of the role for details. - when: - ara_installed.rc == 0 - ara_db.stat.exists - ara_report_type == 'html' block: # Always generate (true), never (false) or only on failure ('failure') # Additionally cover for edge cases where zuul_success might be undefined - name: Generate ARA HTML output command: "{{ ara_report_executable }} generate html {{ ara_report_path }}" environment: ARA_DATABASE: "sqlite:///{{ ara_database_path }}" when: ara_report_run | bool or (ara_report_run == 'failure' and not zuul_success | default(false) | bool) register: ara_generated - name: Compress ARA HTML output command: gzip --recursive --best {{ ara_report_path }} when: - ara_compress_html | bool - not ara_generated is skipped - name: Return ARA report when: not ara_generated is skipped zuul_return: data: zuul: artifacts: - name: ARA report url: "{{ ara_report_artifact_prefix }}{{ ara_report_path | regex_replace('\\/$', '') | basename }}" rescue: - name: HTML generation rescue debug: msg: | Something failed during the generation of the HTML report. Please verify the execution of the role for details. - when: - ara_installed.rc == 0 - ara_db.stat.exists - ara_report_type == 'database' - ara_report_run | bool or (ara_report_run == 'failure' and not zuul_success | default(false) | bool) block: - name: Create the ARA database report directory file: path: "{{ ara_report_path }}" state: directory - name: Save the ARA database command: cp {{ ara_database_path }} {{ ara_report_path }} - name: Return ARA report zuul_return: data: zuul: artifacts: - name: ARA report url: "{{ ara_report_path | regex_replace('\\/$', '') | basename }}"