# Jobs listed in dib-jobs.rst. - job: name: build-diskimage description: | Build an image using diskimage-builder Note that this job does not perform any actions with the image after building it. In particular, due to the typical sizes of diskimages, it does not move the image artifact to the executor or prepare it to be uploaded to log storage. .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_image_name Name of the image to build. .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_formats :type: list :default: ['qcow2'] List of image types to generate. .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_elements :type: list :default: ['ubuntu', 'vm'] List of elements that should be used when creating the disk image. For ease of use with YAML anchors, this may be provided as a list of lists which will be flattened automatically. .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_environment :type: dict Environment variables for the diskimage builder command may be supplied using this variable (or by directly using the Ansible ``environment`` argument). .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_image_root :default: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/dib-images" Directory to store the build images. .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_logs_dir :default: {{ ansible_user_dir }}/zuul-output/logs The path where the log output of the diskimage-builder shall be written to .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_retry_limit :default: 0 The number of times the build-diskimage command shall be retried until successful. .. zuul:jobvar:: build_diskimage_retry_delay :default: 120 The number of seconds to wait between retries of the build-diskimage command. pre-run: playbooks/build-diskimage/pre.yaml run: playbooks/build-diskimage/run.yaml