Run terraform command. Assumes the appropriate version of terraform has been installed. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_executable :default: {{ ansible_user_dir }}/.local/bin/terraform Path to terraform executable to use. .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_command :default: build Terraform command to run. Examples are "plan", "apply" .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_extra_args String of extra command line options to pass to terraform. .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_workspace Name of the workspace to operate against. By default this will not be created if it does not exist. .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_create_workspace :default: false Set to true if the workspace should automatically be created if doesn't already exist. .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_purge_workspace :default: false Set to true if the workspace should be deleted after running 'terraform destroy'. .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_comment :default: true Set to false to stop zuul from leaving a comment with the execution plan. .. zuul:rolevar:: terraform_overrides List of files to create before initializing terraform. This is useful if a module should use the source from a required project that has been checked out by zuul instead of using a remote git repository. .. zuul:rolevar:: dir Directory to put .. zuul:rolevar:: content Free form content of the file. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Directory to run terraform in.