- hosts: all roles: - ensure-pip tasks: - name: Sanity check provided virtualenv command works shell: | tmp_venv=$(mktemp -d -t venv-XXXXXXXXXX) trap "rm -rf $tmp_venv" EXIT {{ ensure_pip_virtualenv_command }} $tmp_venv $tmp_venv/bin/pip install tox failed_when: false register: _venv_sanity - name: Assert sanity check fail: msg: 'The virtualenv_command: "{{ ensure_pip_virtualenv_command }}" does not appear to work!' when: - _venv_sanity.rc != 0 # NOTE(ianw) : this does not play nicely with pip-and-virtualenv which # has already installed from source. We might be able to test this # once it's gone... #- hosts: all # roles: # - role: ensure-pip # vars: # ensure_pip_from_upstream: True