- name: Set up siblings include_tasks: siblings.yaml # The command below always tags the images for the temp_registry (so # they can be pulled back onto the host image cache), and also tags # them for the buildset registry if one is present. - name: Set base docker build command set_fact: docker_buildx_command: >- docker buildx build {{ zj_image.path | default('.') }} -f {{ zj_image.dockerfile | default(docker_dockerfile) }} {% if zj_image.target | default(false) -%} --target {{ zj_image.target }} {% endif -%} {% for build_arg in zj_image.build_args | default([]) -%} --build-arg {{ build_arg }} {% endfor -%} {% if zj_image.siblings | default(false) -%} --build-arg "ZUUL_SIBLINGS={{ zj_image.siblings | join(' ') }}" {% endif -%} {% for tag in zj_image.tags | default(['latest']) -%} {% if zuul.change | default(false) -%} --tag {{ temp_registry.host }}:{{ temp_registry.port }}/{{ zj_image.repository }}:change_{{ zuul.change }}_{{ tag }} {% if buildset_registry | default(false) -%} --tag {{ buildset_registry_alias }}:{{ buildset_registry.port }}/{{ zj_image.repository }}:change_{{ zuul.change }}_{{ tag }} {% endif -%} {% endif -%} --tag {{ temp_registry.host }}:{{ temp_registry.port }}/{{ zj_image.repository }}:{{ tag }} {% if buildset_registry | default(false) -%} --tag {{ buildset_registry_alias }}:{{ buildset_registry.port }}/{{ zj_image.repository }}:{{ tag }} {% endif -%} {% endfor -%} {% for label in zj_image.labels | default([]) -%} --label "{{ label }}" {% endfor %} {% if zuul.change | default(false) -%} --label "org.zuul-ci.change={{ zuul.change }}" {% endif -%} --label "org.zuul-ci.change_url={{ zuul.change_url }}" - name: Build images for all arches command: "{{ docker_buildx_command }} --platform={{ zj_image.arch | join(',') }}" args: chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ zj_image.context }}" environment: DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL: enabled - name: Push arch-specific layers one at a time command: "{{ docker_buildx_command }} --platform={{ zj_arch }} --push" args: chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ zj_image.context }}" environment: DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL: enabled loop: '{{ zj_image.arch }}' loop_control: loop_var: zj_arch - name: Push final image manifest command: "{{ docker_buildx_command }} --platform={{ zj_image.arch | join(',') }} --push" args: chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ zj_image.context }}" environment: DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL: enabled - name: Pull images from temporary registry command: >- docker pull {{ temp_registry.host }}:{{ temp_registry.port }}/{{ zj_image.repository }}:{{ zj_image_tag }} loop: "{{ zj_image.tags | default(['latest']) }}" loop_control: loop_var: zj_image_tag - name: Locally tag for changes so push works later command: >- docker tag {{ temp_registry.host }}:{{ temp_registry.port }}/{{ zj_image.repository }}:{{ zj_image_tag }} {{ docker_registry | ternary(docker_registry + '/', '') }}{{ zj_image.repository }}:change_{{ zuul.change }}_{{ zj_image_tag }} loop: "{{ zj_image.tags | default(['latest']) }}" loop_control: loop_var: zj_image_tag when: zuul.change | default(false) - name: Locally tag for changes so push works later command: >- docker tag {{ temp_registry.host }}:{{ temp_registry.port }}/{{ zj_image.repository }}:{{ zj_image_tag }} {{ docker_registry | ternary(docker_registry + '/', '') }}{{ zj_image.repository }}:{{ zj_image_tag }} loop: "{{ zj_image.tags | default(['latest']) }}" loop_control: loop_var: zj_image_tag - name: Cleanup sibling source directory include_tasks: clean-siblings.yaml