- name: Set zuul-log-path fact include_role: name: set-zuul-log-path-fact # Always upload (true), never upload (false) or only on failure ('failure') - when: zuul_site_upload_logs | default(true) | bool or (zuul_site_upload_logs == 'failure' and not zuul_success | bool) block: - name: Create log directories file: path: "{{zuul_logserver_root}}/{{ zuul_log_path }}" state: directory recurse: yes mode: 0775 - name: Ensure logs are readable before uploading delegate_to: localhost file: path: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/" mode: u=rwX,g=rX,o=rX state: directory recurse: yes - name: Upload logs to log server synchronize: src: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/" dest: "{{zuul_logserver_root}}/{{ zuul_log_path }}/" rsync_opts: - "--exclude=job-output.txt" - "--exclude=job-output.json" no_log: true # After this point there are no more logs - name: gzip console log and json output delegate_to: localhost archive: path: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/{{ item }}" with_items: - job-output.txt - job-output.json - name: Upload console log and json output synchronize: src: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/{{ item }}.gz" dest: "{{zuul_logserver_root}}/{{ zuul_log_path }}/{{ item }}.gz" verify_host: true with_items: - job-output.txt - job-output.json - name: Return log URL to Zuul delegate_to: localhost zuul_return: data: zuul: log_url: "{{ zuul_log_url }}/{{ zuul_log_path }}/" when: zuul_log_url is defined