- name: Fail if artifactory instance is not defined fail: msg: "Instance {{ zj_artifact.instance }} is not defined." when: zj_artifact.instance not in upload_artifactory_instances - name: Make sure artifact exists on the executor stat: path: "{{ _undocumented_test_work_dir_ | default(zuul.executor.work_root) }}\ /artifacts/{{ zj_artifact.src }}" register: artifact delegate_to: "{{ _undocumented_test_worker_node_ | default('localhost') }}" failed_when: not artifact.stat.exists - name: Get sha256 checksum stat: path: "{{ _undocumented_test_work_dir_ | default(zuul.executor.work_root) }}\ /artifacts/{{ zj_artifact.src }}" checksum_algorithm: sha256 delegate_to: "{{ _undocumented_test_worker_node_ | default('localhost') }}" register: artifact_sha256_checksum - name: Set request header fact set_fact: request_header: X-Checksum-Sha1: "{{ artifact.stat.checksum }}" X-Checksum-Sha256: "{{ artifact_sha256_checksum.stat.checksum }}" - name: Add artifact headers set_fact: request_header: "{{ request_header | combine(zj_artifact.headers | default({})) }}" - name: Add api key to header when: "'api_key' in upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance]" no_log: true set_fact: request_header: "{{ request_header | combine({'X-JFrog-Art-Api': upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance].api_key}) }}" - name: Set artifactory password no_log: true set_fact: _artifactory_password: "{{ upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance].password }}" when: - "'api_key' not in upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance]" - "'password' in upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance]" - name: Set artifactory backend url fact set_fact: _artifactory_backend_url: "\ {{ upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance].transport | default('https') }}://\ {{ upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance].fqdn }}/\ artifactory/\ {{ zj_artifact.dest }}" - name: Set artifact properties set_fact: zj_artifact_properties: >- {%- set zj_properties = [] -%} {%- for zj_p in (zj_aps) -%} {%- if zj_p.value is string -%} {%- set _ = zj_properties.append(zj_p.key + '=' + zj_p.value) -%} {%- elif zj_p.value is iterable and zj_p.value is not mapping -%} {%- set _ = zj_properties.append(zj_p.key + '=' + zj_p.value | join(',')) -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {{ zj_properties | join(';') }} vars: zj_aps: "{{ zj_artifact.properties | default({}) | dict2items }}" - name: Set upload url set_fact: _artifactory_upload_url: "\ {%- if zj_artifact_properties | length -%} {{ _artifactory_backend_url }};{{ zj_artifact_properties | default('') }}\ {%- else -%} {{ _artifactory_backend_url }}\ {%- endif -%}" - name: Upload artifact no_log: true uri: user: "{{ upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance].user }}" password: "{{ _artifactory_password | default(omit) }}" url: "{{ _artifactory_upload_url }}" src: "{{ _undocumented_test_work_dir_ | default(zuul.executor.work_root) }}/\ artifacts/{{ zj_artifact.src }}" headers: "{{ request_header }}" status_code: 201 method: PUT force_basic_auth: "{{ upload_artifactory_instances[zj_artifact.instance].force_basic_auth | default(false) | bool }}" remote_src: yes # To not unecessarily copy artifact to a tempfile delegate_to: "{{ _undocumented_test_worker_node_ | default('localhost') }}" - name: Add artifact link to build page zuul_return: data: zuul: artifacts: - name: "{{ zj_artifact.name }}" url: "{{ _artifactory_backend_url }}" metadata: "{{ zj_artifact.metadata | default(omit) }}"