- name: Include OS-specific variables include_vars: "{{ item }}" with_first_found: - "{{ ansible_distribution }}.yaml" - "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yaml" - "default.yaml" # RHEL and CentOS requires repositories provided by RDO in order to install # openvswitch, set them up. - name: Set-up RDO repositories become: yes package: name: "{{ rdo_repository }}" state: installed when: - rdo_repository is defined - ansible_os_family == "RedHat" - ansible_distribution != "Fedora" register: rdo_repos - name: Install openvswitch become: yes package: name: "{{ ovs_package }}" state: installed - name: Ensure openvswitch is started become: yes service: name: "{{ ovs_service }}" state: started enabled: yes # If we've installed RDO repositories for openvswitch earlier, remove them - name: Ensure RDO repositories are removed become: yes package: name: "rdo-release" state: absent when: rdo_repos | changed