Runs tox for a project **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: tox_environment Environment variables to pass in to the tox run. .. zuul:rolevar:: tox_envlist :default: venv Comma separated string with test environments tox should run. ``ALL`` runs all test environments while an empty string runs all test environments configured with ``envlist`` in tox. Internally this will always be expanded into a comma separated list of test environments to run. .. zuul:rolevar:: tox_executable :default: tox Location of the tox executable. .. zuul:rolevar:: tox_extra_args :default: -vv String of extra command line options to pass to tox. .. zuul:rolevar:: tox_constraints_file Path to a pip constraints file. Will be provided to tox via ``TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE`` (deprecated but currently still supported name is ``UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE``) environment variable if it exists. .. zuul:rolevar:: tox_install_siblings :default: true Flag controlling whether to attempt to install python packages from any other source code repos zuul has checked out. Defaults to True. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Directory to run tox in.