- name: Install .pypirc configuration file template: dest: ~/.pypirc mode: 0400 src: .pypirc.j2 - name: Find wheels to upload find: paths: "{{ pypi_path }}" patterns: "*.whl" register: found_wheels - name: Upload wheel with twine before tarballs command: "{{ pypi_twine_executable }} upload -r {{ pypi_repository }} {{ item.path }}" with_items: "{{ found_wheels.files }}" when: found_wheels.matched|bool - name: Find tarballs to upload find: paths: "{{ pypi_path }}" patterns: "*.tar.gz" register: found_tarballs - name: Upload tarballs with twine command: "{{ pypi_twine_executable }} upload -r {{ pypi_repository }} {{ item.path }}" with_items: "{{ found_tarballs.files }}" when: found_tarballs.matched|bool