Collect output from a sphinx build By default, this copies the output from the sphinx build on the worker to the log root of the executor. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_executor_dest :default: {{ zuul.executor.log_root }} The destination directory on the executor. By default, the log root. .. zuul:rolevar:: sphinx_build_dir :default: doc/build Directory relative to zuul_work_dir where build output will be put. .. zuul:rolevar:: sphinx_output_src :default: {{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ sphinx_build_dir }}/html The location on the worker from which to fetch the generated sphinx content. By default, the HTML doc build dir of the current project. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} The location of the main working directory of the job.