Clark Boylan e5dc872f09 Move tox logs into env specific dirs
New tox>=4 does not prefix the filenames with the env name. THis means
we'll squash together log files if more than one env is run. Address
this while on tox v3 to avoid regressions.

Change-Id: I2601cc7faa1f7a5d7f2d950d637dfa84c50717ae
2022-12-07 13:54:23 -08:00

93 lines
2.7 KiB

- name: Set tox log path for multiple nodes
log_path: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}/tox"
when: groups['all'] | length > 1
- name: Set tox log path for single node
log_path: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/tox"
when: log_path is not defined
- name: Ensure local tox dir
path: "{{ log_path }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Ensure zuul-output tox dir
path: "{{ zuul_output_dir }}/logs/tox"
state: directory
mode: 0755
when: zuul_use_fetch_output
- name: Set envlist fact
envlist: "{{ tox_envlist.split(',') }}"
when: tox_envlist is defined and tox_envlist != 'ALL' and tox_envlist
# tox version <= 3.13.2 throws an exception if
# tox -l is run and envlist is not set so set
# failed_when: false for any version below that
- name: Get tox version
command: "{{ tox_executable }} --version"
register: tox_version_output
- name: Find all default environments
command: "{{ tox_executable }} -l"
failed_when: "{{ tox_default_environments is failed and tox_version_output.stdout | regex_search('\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+') is version('3.13.2', '>') }}"
chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}"
register: tox_default_environments
when: tox_envlist is not defined or
not tox_envlist
- name: Set envlist fact
envlist: "{{ tox_default_environments.stdout_lines }}"
when: tox_default_environments.stdout_lines is defined
- name: Find all default environments
command: "{{ tox_executable }} -a"
chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}"
register: tox_all_environments
- (tox_envlist is defined and tox_envlist == 'ALL') or
(envlist is defined and not envlist)
- name: Set envlist fact
envlist: "{{ tox_all_environments.stdout_lines }}"
when: tox_all_environments.stdout_lines is defined
- name: Copy tox logs # noqa risky-file-permissions
dest: "{{ zuul_output_dir }}/logs/tox/{{ zj_testenv }}/"
src: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/.tox/{{ zj_testenv }}/log/"
remote_src: true
loop: "{{ envlist }}"
loop_var: zj_testenv
# some tox runs may not create a virtualenv and thus have
# no ./tox/env directory
failed_when: false
when: zuul_use_fetch_output
- name: Collect tox logs
dest: "{{ log_path }}/{{ zj_testenv }}"
mode: pull
src: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/.tox/{{ zj_testenv }}/log/"
verify_host: true
owner: no
group: no
loop: "{{ envlist }}"
loop_var: zj_testenv
# some tox runs may not create a virtualenv and thus have
# no ./tox/env directory
failed_when: false
when: not zuul_use_fetch_output