We can attach some metadata to images we build indicating where the image was built from. We can also allow users to add additional labels, should they choose, although honestly for users doing it in the Dockerfile makes more sense. Change-Id: I01de15279a69026a09633eb488dac62910b324f5
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- name: Check sibling directory
path: '{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ item.context }}/.zuul-siblings'
register: _dot_zuul_siblings
# This should have been cleaned up; multiple builds may specify
# different siblings to include so we need to start fresh.
- name: Check for clean build
that: not _dot_zuul_siblings.stat.exists
- name: Create sibling source directory
path: '{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ item.context }}/.zuul-siblings'
state: directory
mode: 0755
when: item.siblings is defined
# NOTE(ianw): could use recursive copy: with remote_src, but it's
# Ansible 2.8 only. take the simple approach.
- name: Copy sibling source directories
cmd: 'cp --parents -r {{ zj_sibling }} {{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ item.context }}/.zuul-siblings'
chdir: '~/src'
loop: '{{ item.siblings }}'
loop_var: zj_sibling
when: item.siblings is defined
- name: Build a docker image
command: >-
docker build {{ item.path | default('.') }} -f {{ item.dockerfile | default(docker_dockerfile) }}
{% if item.target | default(false) -%}
--target {{ item.target }}
{% endif -%}
{% for build_arg in item.build_args | default([]) -%}
--build-arg {{ build_arg }}
{% endfor -%}
{% if item.siblings | default(false) -%}
--build-arg "ZUUL_SIBLINGS={{ item.siblings | join(' ') }}"
{% endif -%}
{% for tag in item.tags | default(['latest']) -%}
{% if zuul.change | default(false) -%}
--tag {{ item.repository }}:change_{{ zuul.change }}_{{ tag }}
{% endif -%}
--tag {{ item.repository }}:{{ tag }}
{% endfor -%}
{% for label in zj_image.labels | default([]) -%}
--label "{{ label }}"
{% endfor %}
--label "org.zuul-ci.change={{ zuul.change }}"
--label "org.zuul-ci.change_url={{ zuul.change_url }}"
chdir: "{{ zuul_work_dir }}/{{ item.context }}"
- name: Cleanup sibling source directory
path: '{{ zuul_work_dir }}/.zuul-siblings'
state: absent