This expilicitly notes the HEAD of the checked out tree in the logs. Currently you'll see something like ... HEAD is now at 9dfb46a18 [wip] install ansible as editable during devel jobs ... Already on 'master' ... ok: Item: Runtime: 0:00:00.079626 for each project as this loop happens. However there's no explicit mention of the project name and you have to reverse engineer what menioned change relates to what project. Where this would be useful is when you have an external project dependency and suddenly your testing stops working due to a change in it. You can quickly compare the last good run with the failing HEAD mentioned here to help bisect the problem. Change-Id: I84d9a8a460e99d3bc558b3a7584d787b22f2ed33
Mirror the local git repos to remote nodes
This role uses git operations (unlike :zuulprepare-workspace
which uses
rsync) to mirror the local prepared git repos to the remote nodes. This
may be useful if the remote node already has a copy of some or all of
the git repos.