This role will do basic checks to confirm that the node is sufficiently up to continue afer a reboot. Change-Id: Iebf474c9351e4246d7ab2072b48a50e93dbf0b94
Ensure that processes are running after a node reboot.
Some roles (like the enable-fips role) need to reboot the node in order to complete their operations.
This role can be invoked to ensure that the node is sufficiently up again before continuing by doing some basic checks for connectivity (ssh), restarting the zuul-console and making sure DNS is up.
A role parameter nslookup_target is required to specify the DNS name to ensure DNS is working. If working in a mirrored environment, it is a good idea to use $zuul_site_mirror_fqdn, because this is what will be needed for package installs in any case.