The ensure-pip role has an option to provide multiple interpreters to use. If not specified, we default to ansible_python.executable. This default includes the full path to the executable. Those manually providing which interpreters to use will not know what the full path is, only the versions they would like to use. To make things consistent, this strips off the path so we just have the version (python, python3, python3.8, etc). Change-Id: I339afc08393e9c6b1d26a05cf13b6fdc151f46d5 Signed-off-by: Sean McGinnis <sean.mcginnis@gmail.com>
7 lines
353 B
7 lines
353 B
ensure_pip_from_packages: True
ensure_pip_from_packages_with_python2: '{{ (ansible_python.version.major == 2) | ternary(True, False) }}'
ensure_pip_from_upstream_url: 'https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py'
ensure_pip_from_upstream: False
- '{{ ansible_python.executable | regex_replace(".*python", "python") }}'