Benjamin Schanzel 5b66292c55 Multi Node/Context support for mirroring Git workspaces via kubectl
The mirroring of git workspaces to k8s pod nodes is done by piping a git
push command through `kubectl exec`. Without specifying a k8s context
for kubectl, the `current-context` from the kubeconfig is used. This is
problematic in multi-node scenarios where different nodes reside in
different namespaces and thus, are reachable via separate contexts.
Ansible cannot handle the context switch automatically as it would via
the inventory and its kubectl connection plugin because we are running
the git push from the executor/localhost.
This change makes sure the correct context of the corresponding node is
passed to `kubectl exec` explicitly, thus pushing the git repos to the
correct k8s pod.

Change-Id: Ic0b11b5860bb0062b3a1c068f4f963fb76018715
2020-08-17 15:48:14 +02:00

61 lines
2.5 KiB

- name: Allow pushing to non-bare repo
name: receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
value: ignore
scope: local
repo: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zj_project.value.src_dir }}"
with_dict: "{{ zuul.projects }}"
loop_var: zj_project
- name: Synchronize src repos to workspace directory
command: |-
{% if ansible_connection == "kubectl" %}
git push {% if mirror_workspace_quiet %}--quiet{% endif %} --mirror "ext::kubectl --context {{ zuul.resources[inventory_hostname].context }} -n {{ zuul.resources[inventory_hostname].namespace }} exec -i {{ zuul.resources[inventory_hostname].pod }} -- %S {{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zj_project.value.src_dir }}"
{% else %}
git push {% if mirror_workspace_quiet %}--quiet{% endif %} --mirror git+ssh://{{ ansible_user }}@{{ ansible_host | ipwrap }}:{{ ansible_port }}/{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zj_project.value.src_dir }}
{% endif %}
chdir: "{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/{{ zj_project.value.src_dir }}"
with_dict: "{{ zuul.projects }}"
loop_var: zj_project
delegate_to: localhost
# We occasionally see git pushes in the middle of this loop fail then
# subsequent pushes for other repos succeed. The entire loop ends up
# failing because one of the pushes failed. Mitigate this by retrying
# on failure.
register: git_push
until: git_push is success
retries: 3
# ANSIBLE0006: Skip linting since it triggers on the "git" command,
# but push is not supported by ansible git module.
- skip_ansible_lint
# Do this as a multi-line shell so that we can do the loop once
- name: Update remote repository state correctly
shell: |
# Reset is needed because we pushed to a non-bare repo
git reset --hard
# Clean is needed because we pushed to a non-bare repo
git clean -xdf
# Undo the config setting we did above
git config --local --unset receive.denyCurrentBranch
# checkout the branch matching the branch set up by the executor
git checkout {% if mirror_workspace_quiet %}--quiet{% endif %} {{ zj_project.value.checkout }}
# put out a status line with the current HEAD
echo "{{ zj_project.value.canonical_name }} checked out to:"
git log --pretty=oneline -1
chdir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zj_project.value.src_dir }}"
with_dict: "{{ zuul.projects }}"
loop_var: zj_project
# ANSIBLE0006: Skip linting since it triggers on the "git" command,
# but we prefer the shell above
- skip_ansible_lint