- bumps ansible-lint to 5.0 - updates our custom rules to make them compatible with 5.0 - replace custom module mocking with native ansible-lint ones - remove custom call of ansible-playbook --syntax-check as now this is done by ansible-lint - assured molecule vars are hosted under a vars/ folder in order to avoid confusing linter detection. - replaced custom rule for loop var names in role as now this this an optional core feature of the linter (see config) - replaced custom rule no-same-owner with opt-in one (see config) Change-Id: I233fae8c9036d295968a97ee80e07fde8846c633
14 lines
472 B
14 lines
472 B
- name: Install Rust
shell: | # noqa command-instead-of-module
set -o pipefail
curl -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y --no-modify-path --default-toolchain {{ ensure_rust_rustup_toolchain }}
RUSTUP_HOME: '{{ ensure_rust_rustup_path }}'
CARGO_HOME: '{{ ensure_rust_rustup_path }}'
executable: /bin/bash
become: yes
- name: Use as selected Rust toolchain
command: rustup default {{ ensure_rust_rustup_toolchain }}