The upload-puppetforge role when executed as a unprivileged user fails to install system packages and the gems in the system gem home, see failure [1]. This adds become to the calls so that it becomes the privileged user and executes these which will make them have system access like the bindep role [2]. [1] http://logs.openstack.org/61/617ffad84b633618490ca1023f8a31d9694b31a9/release/release-openstack-puppet/c6e519d/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-01-21_20_53_17_207155 [2] https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul-jobs/tree/roles/bindep/tasks/packages.yaml#n6 Change-Id: I4f11319727a4a5694f11abad4ded69ee554326f2
Upload puppet module to Puppet Forge
Role Variables
Username to use to log in to Puppet Forge.
Password to use to log in to Puppet Forge.