- bumps ansible-lint to 5.0 - updates our custom rules to make them compatible with 5.0 - replace custom module mocking with native ansible-lint ones - remove custom call of ansible-playbook --syntax-check as now this is done by ansible-lint - assured molecule vars are hosted under a vars/ folder in order to avoid confusing linter detection. - replaced custom rule for loop var names in role as now this this an optional core feature of the linter (see config) - replaced custom rule no-same-owner with opt-in one (see config) Change-Id: I233fae8c9036d295968a97ee80e07fde8846c633
Remove sudo access for the Zuul user.
If the file /etc/sudoers.d/zuul
exists, then it will be
removed. This is to facilitate systems which may use the same image for
tests which require sudo and those which do not.
This role also asserts that sudo access has been removed and will fail if it has not.