It seems like we dropped usage of Python's passlib at some point which made the two lists similar. Since Python 2 is been gone for quite some tiem and the dependencies are the same anyways, we can just drop that extra task and merge it into one. Change-Id: Ifa3d8bd21346a560230fb6de60e985baaaee0a92
Runs a container registry for the use of this buildset.
This may be used for a single job running on a single node, or it may be used at the root of a job graph so that multiple jobs running for a single change can share the registry.
Role Variables
Return Values
Information about the registry.
The host (IP address) of the registry.
The port on which the registry is listening.
The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.
The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth.
The (self-signed) certificate used by the registry.