I don't think this testing has been run of Focal before, and the ssh there is more picky about trailing newlines in the ssh private key. Ensure it has a newline to avoid problems. While we're here, clean up an old unused argument Change-Id: If300083b9bc8e5538dcb1eeeaa896ba22c21232e
Mirrors a git repository to a remote git server
Meant to be used after a change was successfully merged, this role mirrors a tested git repository to a remote git server over SSH.
The role assumes that git has been previously installed and does not require superuser privileges to run.
Role Variables
Dictionary that provides the remote git repository credentials
SSH user for the remote git repository
SSH host for the remote git repository
Literal private key contents. Should start with something like
.SSH host key of the remote git server. Can be obtained with
ssh-keyscan -H <host>
Path of the remote git repository