* non-ci tested scripts need updating - these are intended for local development workflows. * This now publishes the operator to quay.io/zuul-ci * This is mostly a rework of https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-operator/+/881245 and https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-operator/+/924870 with much appreciation and credits to original authors Change-Id: I0ffd39fceeaf4947ed329dd4ddb7283cdc98df86
To run the functional tests locally with kind:
ansible-playbook -i tools/inventory -e @tools/vars.yaml \
-e ansible_python_interpreter=`which python3` \
# Start zuul-operator interactively while the above command is
# running.
ansible-playbook -i tools/inventory -e @tools/vars.yaml \
-e ansible_python_interpreter=`which python3` \