# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from collections import OrderedDict import codecs import os from sphinx import addnodes from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive from docutils.parsers.rst import directives from sphinx.domains import Domain, ObjType from sphinx.errors import SphinxError from sphinx.roles import XRefRole from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription from sphinx.util import logging from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode from docutils import nodes import yaml logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ZuulSafeLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ZuulSafeLoader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_multi_constructor('!encrypted/', self.construct_encrypted) @classmethod def construct_encrypted(cls, loader, tag_suffix, node): return loader.construct_sequence(node) class ProjectTemplate(object): def __init__(self, conf): self.name = conf['name'] self.description = conf.get('description', '') self.pipelines = OrderedDict() self.parse(conf) def parse(self, conf): for k in sorted(conf.keys()): v = conf[k] if not isinstance(v, dict): continue if 'jobs' not in v: continue jobs = [] for job in v['jobs']: if isinstance(job, dict): job = list(job.keys())[0] jobs.append(job) if jobs: self.pipelines[k] = jobs class Layout(object): def __init__(self): self.jobs = [] self.project_templates = [] class ZuulDirective(Directive): has_content = True def find_zuul_yaml(self): root = self.state.document.settings.env.relfn2path('.')[1] while root: for fn in ['zuul.yaml', '.zuul.yaml', 'zuul.d', '.zuul.d']: path = os.path.join(root, fn) if os.path.exists(path): return path root = os.path.split(root)[0] raise SphinxError( "Unable to find zuul config in zuul.yaml, .zuul.yaml," " zuul.d or .zuul.d") def parse_zuul_yaml(self, path): with open(path) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=ZuulSafeLoader) layout = Layout() for obj in data: if 'job' in obj: layout.jobs.append(obj['job']) if 'project-template' in obj: layout.project_templates.append( ProjectTemplate(obj['project-template'])) return layout def parse_zuul_d(self, path): layout = Layout() # zuul.d configs are recursively loaded in zuul so we recursively # load them here too. for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): # Zuul parses things in order, we do too. dirnames.sort() filenames.sort() for conf in filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.yaml'), filenames): conf_path = os.path.join(dirpath, conf) with open(conf_path) as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=ZuulSafeLoader) if data is None: raise SphinxError( "File %s in Zuul dir is empty", conf_path) for obj in data: if 'job' in obj: layout.jobs.append(obj['job']) if 'project-template' in obj: layout.project_templates.append( ProjectTemplate(obj['project-template'])) return layout def _parse_zuul_layout(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env if not env.domaindata['zuul']['layout']: path = self.find_zuul_yaml() if path.endswith('zuul.d'): layout = self.parse_zuul_d(path) else: layout = self.parse_zuul_yaml(path) env.domaindata['zuul']['layout_path'] = path env.domaindata['zuul']['layout'] = layout @property def zuul_layout(self): self._parse_zuul_layout() env = self.state.document.settings.env return env.domaindata['zuul']['layout'] @property def zuul_layout_path(self): self._parse_zuul_layout() env = self.state.document.settings.env return env.domaindata['zuul']['layout_path'] def generate_zuul_job_content(self, name): lines = [] for job in self.zuul_layout.jobs: if job['name'] == name: lines.append('.. zuul:job:: %s' % name) if 'branches' in job: branches = job['branches'] if not isinstance(branches, list): branches = [branches] variant = ', '.join(branches) lines.append(' :variant: %s' % variant) lines.append('') for l in job.get('description', '').split('\n'): lines.append(' ' + l) lines.append('') return lines def generate_zuul_project_template_content(self, name): lines = [] for template in self.zuul_layout.project_templates: if template.name == name: lines.append('.. zuul:project_template:: %s' % name) lines.append('') for l in template.description.split('\n'): lines.append(' ' + l) for pipeline, jobs in template.pipelines.items(): lines.append('') lines.append(' **'+pipeline+'**') for job in jobs: lines.append(' * :zuul:xjob:`' + job + '`') lines.append('') return lines def find_zuul_roles(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env _root = os.path.dirname(self.zuul_layout_path) root_roledir = os.path.join(_root, 'roles') role_dirs = [] if os.path.isdir(root_roledir): role_dirs = [root_roledir,] if env.config.zuul_role_paths: role_dirs.extend(env.config.zuul_role_paths) roles = env.domaindata['zuul']['role_paths'] for d in role_dirs: for p in os.listdir(d): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d, p)): continue if p in ('__pycache__',): continue role_readme = os.path.join(d, p, 'README.rst') if os.path.exists(role_readme): roles[p] = role_readme else: msg = "Missing role documentation: %s" % role_readme if env.config.zuul_autoroles_warn_missing: logger.warning(msg) else: logger.debug(msg) @property def zuul_role_paths(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env roles = env.domaindata['zuul']['role_paths'] if roles is None: roles = {} env.domaindata['zuul']['role_paths'] = roles self.find_zuul_roles() return roles def generate_zuul_role_content(self, name): lines = [] lines.append('.. zuul:role:: %s' % name) lines.append('') role_readme = self.zuul_role_paths[name] with codecs.open(role_readme, encoding='utf-8') as f: role_lines = f.read().split('\n') for l in role_lines: lines.append(' ' + l) return lines class ZuulObjectDescription(ZuulDirective, ObjectDescription): object_names = { 'attr': 'attribute', 'var': 'variable', 'jobvar': 'job variable', 'rolevar': 'role variable', 'path': 'path', } separator = '.' def get_path(self): return self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path', []) def get_display_path(self): return self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:display_attr_path', []) @property def parent_pathname(self): return self.separator.join(self.get_display_path()) @property def full_pathname(self): name = self.names[-1].lower() return self.separator.join(self.get_path() + [name]) def add_target_and_index(self, name, sig, signode): targetname = self.objtype + '-' + self.full_pathname if targetname not in self.state.document.ids: signode['names'].append(targetname) signode['ids'].append(targetname) signode['first'] = (not self.names) self.state.document.note_explicit_target(signode) objects = self.env.domaindata['zuul']['objects'] if targetname in objects: self.state_machine.reporter.warning( 'duplicate object description of %s, ' % targetname + 'other instance in ' + self.env.doc2path(objects[targetname][0]) + ', use :noindex: for one of them', line=self.lineno) objects[targetname] = (self.env.docname, self.objtype) objname = self.object_names.get(self.objtype, self.objtype) if self.parent_pathname: indextext = '%s (%s of %s)' % (name, objname, self.parent_pathname) else: indextext = '%s (%s)' % (name, objname) self.indexnode['entries'].append(('single', indextext, targetname, '', None)) ###################################################################### # # Object description directives # class ZuulJobDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): option_spec = { 'variant': lambda x: x, } def before_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:attr_path', []) element = self.names[-1] path.append(element) def after_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path') if path: path.pop() def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) return sig class ZuulProjectTemplateDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): def before_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:attr_path', []) element = self.names[-1] path.append(element) def after_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path') if path: path.pop() def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) return sig class ZuulRoleDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): def before_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:attr_path', []) element = self.names[-1] path.append(element) def after_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path') if path: path.pop() def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) return sig class ZuulAttrDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): has_content = True option_spec = { 'required': lambda x: x, 'default': lambda x: x, 'noindex': lambda x: x, 'example': lambda x: x, 'type': lambda x: x, } def before_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:attr_path', []) path.append(self.names[-1]) path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:display_attr_path', []) path.append(self.names[-1]) def after_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path') if path: path.pop() path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:display_attr_path') if path: path.pop() def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): path = self.get_display_path() signode['is_multiline'] = True line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line['add_permalink'] = True for x in path: line += addnodes.desc_addname(x + '.', x + '.') line += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) if 'required' in self.options: line += addnodes.desc_annotation(' (required)', ' (required)') signode += line if 'default' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line += addnodes.desc_type('Default: ', 'Default: ') line += nodes.literal(self.options['default'], self.options['default']) signode += line if 'example' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line += addnodes.desc_type('Example: ', 'Example: ') line += nodes.literal(self.options['example'], self.options['example']) signode += line if 'type' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line += addnodes.desc_type('Type: ', 'Type: ') line += nodes.emphasis(self.options['type'], self.options['type']) signode += line return sig class ZuulValueDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): has_content = True def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) return sig class ZuulVarDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): has_content = True option_spec = { 'type': lambda x: x, 'default': lambda x: x, 'hidden': lambda x: x, 'noindex': lambda x: x, } type_map = { 'list': '[]', 'dict': '{}', } def get_type_str(self): if 'type' in self.options and self.options['type'] in self.type_map: return self.type_map[self.options['type']] return '' def before_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:attr_path', []) element = self.names[-1] path.append(element) path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:display_attr_path', []) element = self.names[-1] + self.get_type_str() path.append(element) def after_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path') if path: path.pop() path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:display_attr_path') if path: path.pop() def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): if 'hidden' in self.options: return sig path = self.get_display_path() signode['is_multiline'] = True line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line['add_permalink'] = True for x in path: line += addnodes.desc_addname(x + '.', x + '.') line += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) if 'required' in self.options: line += addnodes.desc_annotation(' (required)', ' (required)') signode += line if 'default' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line += addnodes.desc_type('Default: ', 'Default: ') line += nodes.literal(self.options['default'], self.options['default']) signode += line if 'type' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line += addnodes.desc_type('Type: ', 'Type: ') line += nodes.emphasis(self.options['type'], self.options['type']) signode += line return sig class ZuulJobVarDirective(ZuulVarDirective): pass class ZuulRoleVarDirective(ZuulVarDirective): pass class ZuulStatDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): has_content = True option_spec = { 'type': lambda x: x, 'hidden': lambda x: x, 'noindex': lambda x: x, } def before_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:attr_path', []) element = self.names[-1] path.append(element) path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:display_attr_path', []) element = self.names[-1] path.append(element) def after_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path') if path: path.pop() path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:display_attr_path') if path: path.pop() def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): if 'hidden' in self.options: return sig path = self.get_display_path() for x in path: signode += addnodes.desc_addname(x + '.', x + '.') signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) if 'type' in self.options: t = ' (%s)' % self.options['type'] signode += addnodes.desc_annotation(t, t) return sig class ZuulPathDirective(ZuulObjectDescription): has_content = True option_spec = { 'ephemeral': lambda x: x, 'noindex': lambda x: x, 'example': lambda x: x, 'type': lambda x: x, } separator = '/' def before_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:attr_path', []) path.append(self.names[-1]) path = self.env.ref_context.setdefault('zuul:display_attr_path', []) path.append(self.names[-1]) def after_content(self): path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:attr_path') if path: path.pop() path = self.env.ref_context.get('zuul:display_attr_path') if path: path.pop() def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): path = self.get_display_path() signode['is_multiline'] = True line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line['add_permalink'] = True line += addnodes.desc_addname('/', '/') for x in path: line += addnodes.desc_addname(x + '/', x + '/') for x in sig.split('/')[:-1]: line += addnodes.desc_addname(x + '/', x + '/') last = sig.split('/')[-1] line += addnodes.desc_name(last, last) signode += line if 'type' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line += addnodes.desc_type('Type: ', 'Type: ') line += nodes.emphasis(self.options['type'], self.options['type']) signode += line elif 'ephemeral' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() signode += line if 'ephemeral' in self.options: # This is appended to the type line, or a new blank line # if no type. line += addnodes.desc_annotation(' (ephemeral)', ' (ephemeral)') if 'example' in self.options: line = addnodes.desc_signature_line() line += addnodes.desc_type('Example: ', 'Example: ') line += nodes.literal(self.options['example'], self.options['example']) signode += line return sig ###################################################################### # # Autodoc directives # class ZuulAutoJobDirective(ZuulDirective): def run(self): name = self.content[0] lines = self.generate_zuul_job_content(name) self.state_machine.insert_input(lines, self.zuul_layout_path) return [] class ZuulAutoJobsDirective(ZuulDirective): has_content = False def run(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env names = set() for job in self.zuul_layout.jobs: name = job['name'] if name in names: continue lines = self.generate_zuul_job_content(name) location = 'Job "%s" included in %s' % \ (name, env.doc2path(env.docname)) self.state_machine.insert_input(lines, location) names.add(name) return [] class ZuulAutoProjectTemplateDirective(ZuulDirective): def run(self): name = self.content[0] lines = self.generate_zuul_project_template_content(name) self.state_machine.insert_input(lines, self.zuul_layout_path) return [] class ZuulAutoProjectTemplatesDirective(ZuulDirective): has_content = False def run(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env names = set() for template in self.zuul_layout.project_templates: name = template.name if name in names: continue lines = self.generate_zuul_project_template_content(name) location = 'Template "%s" included in %s' % \ (name, env.doc2path(env.docname)) self.state_machine.insert_input(lines, location) names.add(name) return [] class ZuulAutoRoleDirective(ZuulDirective): def run(self): name = self.content[0] lines = self.generate_zuul_role_content(name) self.state_machine.insert_input(lines, self.zuul_role_paths[name]) return [] class ZuulAutoRolesDirective(ZuulDirective): has_content = False def run(self): role_names = reversed(sorted(self.zuul_role_paths.keys())) for name in role_names: lines = self.generate_zuul_role_content(name) self.state_machine.insert_input(lines, self.zuul_role_paths[name]) return [] class ZuulAbbreviatedXRefRole(XRefRole): def process_link(self, env, refnode, has_explicit_title, title, target): title, target = super(ZuulAbbreviatedXRefRole, self).process_link( env, refnode, has_explicit_title, title, target) if not has_explicit_title: title = title.split('.')[-1] return title, target class ZuulDomain(Domain): name = 'zuul' label = 'Zuul' directives = { # Object description directives 'job': ZuulJobDirective, 'project_template': ZuulProjectTemplateDirective, 'role': ZuulRoleDirective, 'attr': ZuulAttrDirective, 'value': ZuulValueDirective, 'var': ZuulVarDirective, 'stat': ZuulStatDirective, 'jobvar': ZuulJobVarDirective, 'rolevar': ZuulRoleVarDirective, 'path': ZuulPathDirective, # Autodoc directives 'autojob': ZuulAutoJobDirective, 'autojobs': ZuulAutoJobsDirective, 'autoproject_template': ZuulAutoProjectTemplateDirective, 'autoproject_templates': ZuulAutoProjectTemplatesDirective, 'autorole': ZuulAutoRoleDirective, 'autoroles': ZuulAutoRolesDirective, } roles = { 'job': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'xjob': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=False), 'project_template': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'role': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'attr': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'value': ZuulAbbreviatedXRefRole( innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'var': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'stat': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'jobvar': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'rolevar': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), 'path': XRefRole(innernodeclass=nodes.inline, # type: ignore warn_dangling=True), } initial_data = { 'layout': None, 'layout_path': None, 'role_paths': None, 'objects': OrderedDict(), } # type: Dict[str, Dict] def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, type, target, node, contnode): objects = self.data['objects'] if type == 'xjob': type = 'job' name = type + '-' + target obj = objects.get(name) if obj: return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, obj[0], name, contnode, name) def clear_doc(self, docname): for fullname, (fn, _l) in list(self.data['objects'].items()): if fn == docname: del self.data['objects'][fullname] ###################################################################### # # Attribute overview directives # # TODO(ianw) # # There are many ways this could be improved # * fancy indentation of nested attrs in the overview # * (related) stripping of prefixes for nesting # * something better than a bullet list (table?) # * add something to attributes so that they can list thier child # attributes atuomatically. Something like # # .. attr:: foo # :show_overview: # # This is the foo option # # and then # # .. attr-overview:: # :maxdepth: 1 # :prefix: foo # # gets automatically inserted for you, and then you should have a # sensible overview of the sub-options of "foo" inside the # top-level "foo" documentation # * figure out if it could be added to TOC class attroverview(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass class AttrOverviewDirective(Directive): option_arguments = 2 option_spec = { 'maxdepth': directives.positive_int, 'prefix': directives.unchanged } def run(self): attr = attroverview('') if 'maxdepth' in self.options: attr._maxdepth = self.options['maxdepth'] if 'prefix' in self.options: attr._prefix = self.options['prefix'] return [attr] def process_attr_overview(app, doctree, fromdocname): objects = app.builder.env.domaindata['zuul']['objects'] for node in doctree.traverse(attroverview): content = [] l = nodes.bullet_list() content.append(l) # The "..attr" calls have built up this dictionary, of the format # # { # attr-foo : (docname, attr), # attr-foo.bar : (docname, attr), # } # # So, in words, we look at all items in this list that have # our docname and the attr "type" (second argument) and build # them into a bullet list. for k,v in objects.items(): if v[0] == fromdocname and v[1] == 'attr': # remove the leading "attr-" for the link name ... the # whole thing is is the refid however. name = k[5:] # e.g. if we have foo.bar.baz that's considered 3 # levels if getattr(node, '_maxdepth', None): maxdepth = node._maxdepth if len(name.split('.')) > maxdepth: continue if getattr(node, '_prefix', None): prefix = node._prefix if not name.startswith(prefix.strip()): continue item = nodes.list_item() para = nodes.paragraph() refnode = nodes.reference(name, name, internal=True, refid=k) para.append(refnode) item.append(para) l.append(item) node.replace_self(content) def setup(app): app.add_config_value('zuul_role_paths', [], 'html') app.add_config_value('zuul_autoroles_warn_missing', True, '') app.add_directive('attr-overview', AttrOverviewDirective) app.connect('doctree-resolved', process_attr_overview) app.add_domain(ZuulDomain)