This reverts commit bfe88fda569043eadfa2a4143ca40520d2b98aaa. We are also adding some README.md files and some example yaml for easy facilitation of secret generation. Reason for revert: Taking a different approach to implement secret generation https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/771736 Change-Id: Idea4271f99b4bc9f0f88440fc19b6ca44686cf2a
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Function: generate-secrets-example
This function provide an example on how to generate secrets using templator
and variable catalogue. The generated secrets are usually of
kind: VariableCatalogue
. These generated secrets then be used in
conjuction with kind: ReplacementTransformer
to subsitute accordingly
in the site manifests. If the generated secrets needs to be deployed
on the cluster then define the secret as kind: Secret
and appropriately
mark it with deploy-k8s: true
Generating & Encrypting Secrets
Make a copy of this folder to the appropraite site for which secrets has to be generated and then edit the secret-generation.yaml with the required secret generation details. For example refer to generator folder.
Once the secret definitions are in place in the site manifests, we can add a new phase to generate secrets pointing to the folder in site manifests. Below is an example of how to add phase to the phases.yaml.
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: Phase
name: secret-generate
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: GenericContainer
name: encrypter
documentEntryPoint: target/generator
The executorRef is of kind: GenericContainer
and should also have the
following definition in executor.yaml
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: GenericContainer
name: encrypter
airshipit.org/deploy-k8s: "false"
kustomizeSinkOutputDir: "target/generator/results/generated"
image: quay.io/aodinokov/sops:v0.0.3
config: |
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
cmd: encrypt
unencrypted-regex: '^(kind|apiVersion|group|metadata)$'
The container spec in the kind: GenericContainer
is specified with
sops spec so that the generated secrets would be encrypted and
then stored in the kustomizeSinkOutputDir
directory. Sops uses pgp keys
and sops fingerprint key environment variable from the terminal to
perform encryption on the generated secrets.
Steps to execute using airshipctl command
- Sops environment variable has to be exported which will be
used for encryption. Download the sops key file. If you want to use
custom sops key copy it to the current location with filename as
curl -fsSL -o key.asc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/sops/master/pgp/sops_functional_tests_key.asc
- Export key file and set corresponding fingerprint which will be used for encryption.
export SOPS_IMPORT_PGP="$(cat key.asc)" && export SOPS_PGP_FP="FBC7B9E2A4F9289AC0C1D4843D16CEE4A27381B4"
- Then run the airshipctl command
airshipctl phase run <secret-generate>
Once the command executes successfully, we can see the generated and
encrypted secrets will be placed in kustomizeSinkOutputDir
Generate Secrets without encryption(Not recommended)
In case if no encryption is required for the secrets then use the below
kind: GenericContainer
definition in the executor.yaml
apiVersion: airshipit.org/v1alpha1
kind: GenericContainer
name: encrypter
airshipit.org/deploy-k8s: "false"
kustomizeSinkOutputDir: "target/generator/results/generated"
image: quay.io/airshipit/templater:latest
config: |
foo: bar
Decrypt to read the secrets
To decrypt the secrets for readability purposes run the kustomize build command on the generated secrets folder with the kustomization.yaml and decrypt-secrets.yaml files in place in the same folder.
Kustomize command to decrypt:
KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_HOME=$(pwd)/manifests SOPS_IMPORT_PGP=$(cat key.asc) kustomize build \ --enable_alpha_plugins \ manifests/site/test-site/target/generator/results