Scott Hussey d12ef71f9f Refactor orchestrator
Refactor orchestrator to break large
monolithic functions into small functions
per action.

- Update orchestrator to match new statemgmt API
- Pull most code out of __init__.py files
- Create action classes for Orchestrator actions
- Create action classes for Driver actions
- Orchestrator consumes tasks from database queue
- Additional encapsulation of task functionality into Task class
- Create shared integration test fixtures
- Fix Sphinx entrypoint so package install works
- Disable bootdata API until BootAction implementation
- Bring codebase into PEP8 compliance
- Update documentation reflect code changes
- Mark SQL #nosec for bandit

Change-Id: Id9a7bdedcdd5bbf07aeabbdb52db0f0b71f1e4a4
2017-10-26 15:00:39 -05:00

77 lines
2.7 KiB

# drydock_provisioner
A python REST orchestrator to translate a YAML host topology to a provisioned
set of hosts and provide a set of post-provisioning instructions.
See full documentation in [docs/source/index.rst](docs/source/index.rst).
## Required
* Python 3.5+
* A running instance of Postgres v9.5+
* A running instance of Openstack Keystone w/ the v3 API enabled
* A running instance of Canonical MaaS v2.2+
## Recommended
* A running Kubernetes cluster with Helm initialized
* Familiarity with the AT&T Community Undercloud Platform (UCP) suite of services
## Building
This service is intended to be built as a Docker container, not as a
standalone Python package. That being said, instructions are included below
for building as a package and as an image.
### Virtualenv
To build and install Drydock locally in a virtualenv first generate configuration
and policy file templates to be customized
$ tox -e genconfig
$ tox -e genpolicy
$ virtualenv -p python3.5 /var/tmp/drydock
$ . /var/tmp/drydock/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements-lock.txt
$ pip install .
$ cp -r etc/drydock /etc/drydock
### Docker image
$ docker build . -t drydock
## Running
The preferred deployment pattern of Drydock is via a Helm chart
to deploy Drydock into a Kubernetes cluster. Additionally use of
the rest of the UCP services provides additional functionality
for deploying (Armada) and using (Promenade, Deckhand) Drydock.
You can see an example of a full UCP deployment in the [UCP Integration](https://github.comatt-comdev/ucp-integration) repository.
### Stand up Kubernetes
Use the UCP [Promenade](https://github.com/att-comdev/promenade)
tool for starting a self-hosted Kubernetes cluster with Kubernetes
Helm deployed.
### Deploy Drydock Dependencies
There are Helm charts for deploying all the dependencies of Dryodck.
Use them for preparing your Kuberentes cluster to host Drydock.
* [Postgres](https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm/tree/master/postgresql)
* [Keystone](https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm/tree/master/keystone)
* [MAAS](https://github.com/att-comdev/maas)
### Deploy Drydock
Ideally you will use the UCP [Armada](https://readthedocs.org/projects/armada-helm/)
tool for deploying the Drydock chart with proper overrides, but if not you can
use the `helm` CLI tool. The below are overrides needed during deployment
* values.labels.node_selector_key: This is the kubernetes label assigned to the node you expect to host Drydock
* values.conf.dryodck.maasdriver: This is URL Drydock will use to access the MAAS API (including the URL path)
* values.images.drydock: The Drydock docker image to use
* values.images.drydock_db_sync: The Drydock docker image to use