Add authorized_keys field to Site object Add sshkey to maasdriver models Add ConfigureUserCredentials task Add orchestrator step for ConfigureUserCredentials Add driver logic to implement ConfigureUserCredentials
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153 lines
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# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Single point of entry to generate the sample configuration file.
This module collects all the necessary info from the other modules in this
package. It is assumed that:
* Every other module in this package has a 'list_opts' function which
returns a dict where:
* The keys are strings which are the group names.
* The value of each key is a list of config options for that group.
* The conf package doesn't have further packages with config options.
* This module is only used in the context of sample file generation.
import collections
import importlib
import os
import pkgutil
from oslo_config import cfg
class DrydockConfig(object):
Initialize all the core options
# Default options
options = [
cfg.IntOpt('poll_interval', default=10, help='Polling interval in seconds for checking subtask or downstream status'),
# Logging options
logging_options = [
cfg.StrOpt('log_level', default='INFO', help='Global log level for Drydock'),
cfg.StrOpt('global_logger_name', default='drydock', help='Logger name for the top-level logger'),
cfg.StrOpt('oobdriver_logger_name', default='${global_logger_name}.oobdriver', help='Logger name for OOB driver logging'),
cfg.StrOpt('nodedriver_logger_name', default='${global_logger_name}.nodedriver', help='Logger name for Node driver logging'),
cfg.StrOpt('control_logger_name', default='${global_logger_name}.control', help='Logger name for API server logging'),
# API Authentication options
auth_options = [
cfg.StrOpt('admin_token', default='bigboss', help='X-Auth-Token value to bypass backend authentication', secret=True),
cfg.BoolOpt('bypass_enabled', default=False, help='Can backend authentication be bypassed?'),
# Enabled plugins
plugin_options = [
help='Module path string of a input ingester to enable'),
help='Module path string of a OOB driver to enable'),
help='Module path string of the Node driver to enable'),
default=None, help='Module path string of the Network driver to enable'),
# Timeouts for various tasks specified in minutes
timeout_options = [
cfg.IntOpt('drydock_timeout', default=5, help='Fallback timeout when a specific one is not configured'),
cfg.IntOpt('create_network_template', default=2, help='Timeout in minutes for creating site network templates'),
cfg.IntOpt('configure_user_credentials', default=2, help='Timeout in minutes for creating user credentials'),
cfg.IntOpt('identify_node', default=10, help='Timeout in minutes for initial node identification'),
cfg.IntOpt('configure_hardware', default=30, help='Timeout in minutes for node commissioning and hardware configuration'),
cfg.IntOpt('apply_node_networking', default=5, help='Timeout in minutes for configuring node networking'),
cfg.IntOpt('apply_node_platform', default=5, help='Timeout in minutes for configuring node platform'),
cfg.IntOpt('deploy_node', default=45, help='Timeout in minutes for deploying a node'),
def __init__(self):
self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
def register_options(self):
self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.logging_options, group='logging')
self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.auth_options, group='authentication')
self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.plugin_options, group='plugins')
self.conf.register_opts(DrydockConfig.timeout_options, group='timeouts')
config_mgr = DrydockConfig()
conf = config_mgr.conf
IGNORED_MODULES = ('drydock', 'config')
def list_opts():
opts = {'DEFAULT': DrydockConfig.options,
'logging': DrydockConfig.logging_options,
'authentication': DrydockConfig.auth_options,
'plugins': DrydockConfig.plugin_options,
'timeouts': DrydockConfig.timeout_options
package_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
parent_module = ".".join(__name__.split('.')[:-1])
module_names = _list_module_names(package_path, parent_module)
imported_modules = _import_modules(module_names)
_append_config_options(imported_modules, opts)
return _tupleize(opts)
def _tupleize(d):
"""Convert a dict of options to the 2-tuple format."""
return [(key, value) for key, value in d.items()]
def _list_module_names(pkg_path, parent_module):
module_names = []
for _, module_name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path=[pkg_path]):
if module_name in IGNORED_MODULES:
# Skip this module.
elif ispkg:
module_names.extend(_list_module_names(pkg_path + "/" + module_name, parent_module + "." + module_name))
module_names.append(parent_module + "." + module_name)
return module_names
def _import_modules(module_names):
imported_modules = []
for module_name in module_names:
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
if hasattr(module, 'list_opts'):
print("Pulling options from module %s" % module.__name__)
return imported_modules
def _append_config_options(imported_modules, config_options):
for module in imported_modules:
configs = module.list_opts()
for key, val in configs.items():
if key not in config_options:
config_options[key] = val
config_options[key].extend(val) |