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CFN-Security Sub-group Introduction
Project Facts
Project Creation Date: 2024/04/25
Primary Contact: Li Lu & luli@chinamobile.com
Project Lead: Huizheng Geng&genghuizheng@chinamobile.com
Committers: Jing Cao& caojing1@caict.ac.cn, Longhai Zhu&zhulh@siwei.com, Tingting Yang&yangtingting@chinamobile.com, Yu Wang&wangyuyjy@chinamobile.com, Yingqing Liu&liuyingqing@chinamobile.com@chinamobile.com, Li Lu&luli@chinamobile.com,PengLin Yang&yangpenglin@hygon.cn
Mailing List: computing-force-network@lists.opendev.org
Meetings: Use bi-weekly meeting of CFN WG
Repository: https://opendev.org/cfn/cfn-security
StoryBoard: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/cfn/cfn-security
Open Bugs: TBD
CFN deeply integrates cloud computing, network and other technologies, can provide ubiquitous computing power and realize the optimal allocation of resources. CFN provides a powerful infrastructure for data processing and computing. However, due to the special architecture and idea of CFN, CFN itself and the services running in CFN may face certain security problems, and it is necessary to explore security solutions. Some security risks and considerations are listed below.
Security levels are different among computing nodes in CFN, risks of data leakage and data tempering are high on low security computing nodes, so it is necessary to introduce mechanisms of secure computing and storage to keep data security. Service data may be delivered to multiple nodes and it is difficult to locate the data leakage point and responsibility, so introducing the mechanism of data flow security is necessary. Many dynamic connections of node to node across systems and domains will be established, which provides more attack paths to network attackers and increase risks for computing nodes, so it is necessary to introduce special security consideration for network resources and computing resources.
CFN security subgroup is committed to provide security solutions or security suggestions according to the possible security risks of the CFN itself and the services in CFN. Main jobs include:
1 Research on security functions that CFN should support and the security suggestions for each component of CFN.
2 Analyzes the security risks of computing or storage services in CFN, and proposes solutions.
3 Studies new security technologies that can be applied to CFN, and proposes the application methods of the technologies in CFN.
Documentation & Training
Release Planning & Release Notes
1 CFN security risks and security control suggestions v1.0 2 CFN secure storage solution based on white-box cryptography v1.0
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