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80 lines
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Execution control
The source file implements the static variables and functions of the Execution
control actor.
Author and Copyright: Geir Horn, University of Oslo
Contact: Geir.Horn@mn.uio.no
License: MPL2.0 (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/)
#include "Actor.hpp"
#include "Communication/NetworkEndpoint.hpp"
#include "ExecutionControl.hpp"
namespace NebulOuS
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ExecutionControl::Running = true;
std::mutex ExecutionControl::TerminationLock;
std::condition_variable ExecutionControl::ReadyToTerminate;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Waiting function
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The function used to wait for the termination message simply waits on the
// condition variable until it is signalled by the message handler. As there
// could be spurious wake-ups it is necessary to check if the actor is still
// running when the condition variable is signalled, and if so the calling
// thread will just block again in another wait.
void ExecutionControl::WaitForTermination( void )
while( Running )
std::unique_lock< std::mutex > Lock( TerminationLock );
ReadyToTerminate.wait( Lock );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stop message handler
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The stop message handler will first send the network stop message to the
// session layer requesting it to coordinate the network shutdown and close all
// externally communicating actors.
void ExecutionControl::StopMessageHandler( const StopMessage & Command,
const Address Sender )
std::lock_guard< std::mutex > Lock( TerminationLock );
Send( Theron::Network::ShutDown(),
Theron::Network::GetAddress( Theron::Network::Layer::Session ) );
Running = false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The only action taken by the constructor is to register the handler for the
// stop message.
ExecutionControl::ExecutionControl( const std::string & TheActorName )
: Actor( TheActorName ),
StandardFallbackHandler( Actor::GetAddress().AsString() )
RegisterHandler( this, &ExecutionControl::StopMessageHandler );
} // namespace NebulOuS