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Metric Updater
This file implements the methods of the Metric Updater class subscribing to
the relevant metric values of the application and publishes a data file with
the metric values when a new solution is requested.
Author and Copyright: Geir Horn, University of Oslo
Contact: Geir.Horn@mn.uio.no
License: MPL2.0 (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/)
#include <ranges> // Better containers
#include <source_location> // Informative error messages
#include <sstream> // To format error messages
#include <stdexcept> // standard exceptions
#include <iterator> // Iterator support
#include "Communication/AMQ/AMQEndpoint.hpp" // For Topic subscriptions
#include "MetricUpdater.hpp"
namespace NebulOuS
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subscribing to metric prediction values
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The received message must be a JSON object with metric names as
// attribute (keys) and the topic name as the value. Multiple metrics maby be
// included in the same message and and the andler will iterate and set up a
// subcription for each of the provided metrics. It should be noted that
// initially the metric has no value, and it is a prerequisite that all
// metric values must be updated before the complete set of metrics will be
// used for finding a better configuration for the application's execution
// context given by the metric values.
void MetricUpdater::AddMetricSubscription( const MetricTopic & TheMetrics,
const Address OptimiserController )
if( TheMetrics.is_object() )
for( const auto & [MetricName, TopicName] : TheMetrics.items() )
auto [ MetricRecord, NewMetric ] = MetricValues.try_emplace(
TopicName, MetricName, JSON() );
if( NewMetric )
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
TopicName ),
Theron::AMQ::Network::GetAddress( Theron::Network::Layer::Session) );
std::source_location Location = std::source_location::current();
std::ostringstream ErrorMessage;
ErrorMessage << "[" << Location.file_name() << " at line " << Location.line()
<< "in function " << Location.function_name() <<"] "
<< "The message to define a new metric subscription is given as "
<< std::endl << TheMetrics.dump(2) << std::endl
<< "this is not a JSON object!";
throw std::invalid_argument( ErrorMessage.str() );
// The metric update value is received whenever any of subscribed forecasters
// has a new value for its metric. The format of the message is described in
// the project wiki page [1], with an example message given as
// {
// "metricValue": 12.34,
// "level": 1,
// "timestamp": 163532341,
// "probability": 0.98,
// "confidence_interval " : [8,15]
// "predictionTime": 163532342,
// }
// Currently only the metric value and the timestamp will be used from this
// record. It would be interesting in the future to explore ways to use the
// confidence interval in some Bayesian resoning about the true value.
// The sender address will contain the metric topic, but this will contain the
// generic metric prediction root string, and this string must be removed
// before the metric name can be updated.
void MetricUpdater::UpdateMetricValue(
const MetricValueUpdate & TheMetricValue, const Address TheMetricTopic)
Theron::AMQ::TopicName TheTopic
= TheMetricTopic.AsString().erase(0, MetricValueRootString.size() );
if( MetricValues.contains( TheTopic ) )
MetricValues[ TheTopic ].Value = TheMetricValue[ NebulOuS::ValueLabel ];
ValidityTime = std::max( ValidityTime,
TheMetricValue[ NebulOuS::TimePoint ].get< Solver::TimePointType >() );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SLO Violation Events
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When an SLO Violation is predicted a message is received from the SLO
// violation detector and this will trigger the definition of a new
// application execution context and a request to the Solution Manager to
// generate a new solution for this context.
// Note that the identifier of the application execution context is defined
// based on the time point of the severity message. The Optimiser controller
// must look for this identifier type on the solutions in order to decide
// which solutions to deploy.
void MetricUpdater::SLOViolationHandler(
const SLOViolation & SeverityMessage, const Address TheSLOTopic )
// The application execution context is constructed first
// as it represents the name and the current values of the recorded
// metrics. Note the construction has to be done conditionally based
// on whether the standard library containers supports the range based
// constructors defined for C++23
#ifdef __cpp_lib_containers_ranges
#pragma message("C++23: Range inserters available! Rewrite MetricUpdater.hpp!")
Solver::MetricValueType TheApplicationExecutionContext(
std::views::transform( MetricValues, [](const auto & MetricRecord){
return std::make_pair( MetricRecord.second.OptimisationName,
MetricRecord.second.Value );
}) );
Solver::MetricValueType TheApplicationExecutionContext;
for( const auto & [_, MetricRecord ] : MetricValues )
TheApplicationExecutionContext.emplace( MetricRecord.OptimisationName,
MetricRecord.Value );
// The application context can then be sent to the solution manager
// using the corresponding message, and the time stamp of the severity
// message,
Send( Solver::ApplicationExecutionContext(
SeverityMessage[ NebulOuS::SLOIdentifier ],
SeverityMessage[ NebulOuS::TimePoint ].get< Solver::TimePointType >(),
SeverityMessage[ NebulOuS::ObjectiveFunctionName ],
), TheSolverManager );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor and destructor
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The constructor initialises the base classes and sets the validity time
// to zero so that it will be initialised by the first metric values received.
// The message handlers are registered, and the the updater will then subscribe
// to the two topics published by the Optimisation Controller: One for the
// initial message defining the metrics and the associated topics to subscribe
// to for their values, and the second for receiving the SLO violation message.
MetricUpdater::MetricUpdater( const std::string UpdaterName,
const Address ManagerOfSolvers )
: Actor( UpdaterName ),
StandardFallbackHandler( Actor::GetAddress().AsString() ),
NetworkingActor( Actor::GetAddress().AsString() ),
MetricValues(), ValidityTime(0), TheSolverManager( ManagerOfSolvers )
RegisterHandler( this, &MetricUpdater::AddMetricSubscription );
RegisterHandler( this, &MetricUpdater::UpdateMetricValue );
RegisterHandler( this, &MetricUpdater::SLOViolationHandler );
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
std::string( NebulOuS::MetricSubscriptions ) ),
GetSessionLayerAddress() );
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
std::string( NebulOuS::SLOViolationTopic ) ),
GetSessionLayerAddress() );
// The destructor is closing the established subscription if the network is
// still running. If this is called when the application is closing the network
// connection should be stopped, and in that case all subscriptions will be
// automatically cancelled.
if( HasNetwork() )
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
std::string( NebulOuS::MetricSubscriptions ) ),
GetSessionLayerAddress() );
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
std::string( NebulOuS::SLOViolationTopic ) ),
GetSessionLayerAddress() );
std::ranges::for_each( std::views::keys( MetricValues ),
[this]( const Theron::AMQ::TopicName & TheMetricTopic ){
Send( Theron::AMQ::NetworkLayer::TopicSubscription(
std::string( MetricValueRootString ) + TheMetricTopic ),
GetSessionLayerAddress() );
} // End name space NebulOuS