This commit adds a spec for implementing a unified Infra message bus, the "firehose." Change-Id: I6295aec6025600a9ef02de5249a3a5c834dcba8c Story: #2000643
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Firehose: A unified message bus for Infra services
Using MQTT start running a unified message bus that community infrastructure
services can emit events on. This will enable efficient external consumption of
infrastructure events for experimentation and rapid innovation of tooling
within the community.
Problem Description
There are a lot of services running in openstack-infra doing lots of different
things all the time. Following events generated by these services can be
tricky, and we don't have a consistent solution to making arbitrary state
change details externally visible (so we fall back to relying on those with
access to the machines letting us know what operations are being performed).
What event data does exist is inconsistently presented in a variety of places
over different protocols and requires significant effort to correlate
Proposed Change
The goal of this spec is to create a unified message bus that Infra services
can publish event streams to. This will enable external public consumption of
Infra events in a consistent manner.
To accomplish this we will deploy a new server and run the mosquitto_ MQTT_
broker on it. MQTT protocol was designed in the late '90s to be lightweight
pub-sub protocol that would work with connections to remote locations that
needed a "small code footprint" and where there was limited network bandwith.
More recently this has made it quite popular in the IoT space. However, it is
also a good fit for the distributed cloud model that a lot of Infra services
use. We will also deploy mosquitto using websockets_ this should also provide
a benefit to international community members where things like the Gerrit event
stream are problematic to access over Gerrit's SSH port.
.. _mosquitto: http://mosquitto.org/
.. _MQTT: http://mqtt.org/
.. _websockets: http://jpmens.net/2014/07/03/the-mosquitto-mqtt-broker-gets-websockets-support/
That will provide the base infrastructure for publishing and subscribing to
events but nothing will be using MQTT after that. To start the event reporting
we'll leverage germqtt_ (and make it an Infra project). This will be the
initial usage for the unified message bus and make the Gerrit event stream
available over MQTT. While the scope of this spec ends with getting Gerrit into
MQTT, once we have an example we can more easily add more sources reporting
directly into MQTT.
.. _germqtt: https://github.com/mtreinish/germqtt
Use fedmsg
The fedora infrastructure team had a similar need/desire to have a unified
message bus and they started the fedmsg_ project to address this need.
The primary issue with fedmsg is that it depends on AMQP or ZMQ both of which
we have had previous issues with. The choice to go with MQTT was partially a
reaction to that.
.. _fedmsg: http://www.fedmsg.com/en/latest/
Use a different mqtt broker
There are several open source MQTT brokers besides Mosquitto out there
including ones like RabbitMQ_, VerneMQ_, and mosca_.
.. _RabbitMQ: http://www.rabbitmq.com/blog/2012/09/12/mqtt-adapter/
.. _VerneMQ: https://github.com/erlio/vernemq
.. _mosca: https://github.com/mcollina/mosca
Mosquitto was chosen because it's a lightweight C program which will need less
resources to run it. It also should be simpler to deploy since we don't have to
worry about deploying a JavaVM, nodejs, or erlang (which seems to be quite
popular for writing message brokers).
Primary assignee:
* mtreinish
* fungi
Gerrit Topic
Use Gerrit topic "firehose" for all patches related to this spec.
.. code-block:: bash
git-review -t firehose
Work Items
#. Write puppet-mosquitto module
#. Deploy firehose01 server with puppet-mosquitto module and a
firehose.openstack.org CNAME to it
#. Add germqtt to openstack-infra
#. Write puppet-germqtt
#. Deploy puppet-germqtt on firehose01
2 New repos will be created in the initial implemention, puppet-mosquitto and
1 new server will need to be created for running mosquitto, firehose01. Since
mosquitto and MQTT is fairly lightweight we probably can get away with a
smaller server (2GB flavor should be plenty).
DNS Entries
Forward/reverse DNS entries will be added for firehose01.openstack.org, as well
as a CNAME of firehose.openstack.org.
Initial service documentation will be added to the
openstack-infra/system-config repo as usual. An availability announcement will
be sent to the openstack-dev mailing list.
Sensitive data should not be published over the message bus. It is public and
anonymously accessible.
The new Puppet modules will run our usual Puppet test and style jobs, and the
germqtt repo will have typical Python unit testing and style checks as well.
- This will be the first use of germqtt in infra (which will be added as an
infra project)
- 2 new puppet modules will be created, 1 to deploy mosquitto and the other to
run germqtt