Spec for worklists and boards for managing tasks in StoryBoard. Change-Id: I7b58ebb6cd70c442eacdb3acced6ebe3b70f564e
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StoryBoard Worklists and Boards
StoryBoard's current model for priority has each task have a discrete priority value. However, that isn't ideal as everyone has different priorities for things and there is no way to represent that in the current model. Instead we want to allow users to create worklists, which they can then use to create prioritised lists relevant to themselves.
Problem Description
A developer, a PTL, and the community as a whole may all have different opinions on the priority of tasks or stories in StoryBoard. Currently, a task can only have a single discrete priority, which could lead to issues if people's priorities come into conflict.
Using "worklists" - lists of tasks and/or stories - allows for complex prioritisation of work and also allows each user to have their own view or prioritisation. There is even the possibility of each user having multiple worklists to represent prioritisation from the various viewpoints they may need to consider.
Worklists could also be used to create a kanban-like interface. These boards would allow for a linear kanban workflow for managing the flow of work in a team for example.
Proposed Change
A board is a set of worklists, with the added constraint that no task or story may be in more than one of the worklists. If the user tries to add a story or task to a worklist in the board which is already in a different worklist, the attempt should be unsuccessful. In a board, the worklists represent the lanes in a kanban board. Boards can be public or private to the people with appropriate permissions to see it. Boards can optionally be related to projects.
A worklist is an arbitrary list of tasks and stories for which order may or may not have meaning. Worklists can be public or private to the people with appropriate permissions to see the worklist. Each story or task can be in any number of worklists. Worklists can optionally be related to projects.
Automatic Worklists
Some people may find it useful to have a worklist containing only items which meet some criteria, for example a worklist containing all tasks related to a project with status "review". Keeping such a worklist manually updated would be difficult and time consuming, so it should be possible to create a worklist which automatically updates its contents.
A new table called worklists
would be created with the
following columns:
- title
- creator_id
- project_id
- created_at
- updated_at
- private (boolean, default to False)
- archived (boolean, default to False)
- automatic (boolean, default to False)
- permission_id
A new table called worklist_criteria
would be created.
This table would be used to implement automatic worklists, and would
have the following columns:
- list_id
- item_type (either
) - field
- value
- title
A new table called worklist_items
would be created with
the following columns:
- item_id
- item_type (either
) - list_id
- list_position
A new table called boards
would be created with the
following columns:
- title
- description
- creator_id
- project_id
- created_at
- updated_at
- private (boolean, default to False)
- archived (boolean, default to False)
- permission_id
A new table called board_worklists
would be created with
the following columns:
- board_id
- list_id
- position
UI Behaviour
When the user creates a worklist, they will be able to choose whether it is public or private to people with permissions. If it is public, it will still only be editable by people with adequate permissions. The user will also be able to define a group of people who have edit permissions on the list. Tasks and stories will also be able to be added to the list both at the time of creation and at any point in the future. An existing list will have the option of being "archived", as opposed to being deleted.
Whether or not a worklist is "automatic" is also selected when creating the list. Criteria for the contents of an automatic list are chosen here. If an existing list is converted to an automatic list, the existing contents are removed from the list. Automatic lists cannot be re-ordered.
When the user creates a board, they will be able to select whether it is public or private in a similar way to worklists. The user will also be able to create worklists to be the lanes of the board. These worklists will be given the same ACL as the board. Tasks and stories can be added to these lists at this time, but a task or story cannot appear more than once in the board. After creation, the worklists function like normal worklists, with the ability to drag tasks or stories between them. If the whole board gets archived, all the worklists that make it up are archived too.
The user cannot add existing worklists to a board, to avoid unexpected changes happening to a worklist used elsewhere due to the board changing, or unexpected changes occurring in the board due to a worklist used elsewhere changing. It should be possible to set up an automatic worklist to "mirror" an existing worklist if that behaviour is desired.
Two new API endpoints will be created, /v1/boards
. These new endpoints will support basic CRUD
operations to allow management of worklists and boards.
- Primary assignee:
adam-coldrick (Adam Coldrick)
Gerrit Topic
Use Gerrit topic "worklists" for all patches related to this spec.
git-review -t worklists
Work Items
- Add new tables to the database model, and write a migration.
- boards, worklists and some mapping tables
- Implement REST API for boards and worklists.
- Implement board and worklist functionality in the webclient.
No new repositories.
No new servers.
DNS Entries
No new DNS entries
Storyboard's API documentation will need updating with the new endpoints.
Documentation to aid in the usage of worklists and boards should be created.
It is important to ensure that 'private' worklists and boards can only be accessed by the people in the ACL. It is also important to ensure that worklists which are used in boards have the same ACL as the board. Care will also need to be taken to ensure that information about the contents of private worklists and boards doesn't leak onto any other pages.
The existing unit tests for StoryBoard will need to be extended to cover the new API endpoints and database tables.
This work doesn't depend on any other work.