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Puppet 4 Preliminary Testing
Puppet 4 is coming and there is nothing we can do to stop it. We can, however, prepare and be ready for the onslaught.
Problem Description
Because puppet 4 is a semver major change, it means we can expect that breaking changes will be introduced that will cause us to have to audit and possibly change things in many places in our rather vast armada of puppet code. It would be satisfying to just complain about the burden such a choice places on the user, but it's the world we live in and we will ultimately have to deal with it whether we want to or not.
Proposed Change
There are puppet lint modules that can provide warnings about puppet 4 issues. It's also possible to install puppet 4 into testing environments before we install it globally. The puppet-openstack team has already added puppet4 puppet lint checks to their code, so we should start aligning with some of their process so we can share effort.
First, move to using Bundler for our dependencies and rake tasks. This means adding a Gemfile to each puppet repo. The puppet lint jobs already know how to deal with a Gemfile enabled. This will allow us to specify additional puppet lint plugins that we need to check the things that are gotchas.
Once all of the infra puppet repos have Gemfiles, add the puppet-syntax-future template to all of them, which currently assumes a Gemfile structure, but is already set up to run the future parser check.
As a follow on to that, we can stop installing the puppet lint gems globally on all of our test nodes, because we'll be installing those gems into a local dir using bundler. It's not necessary for this, but those installs will be cruft at this point, so we should clean them up. We should also just make a general "bundler-prep" macro and rework the many places in the jjb source for both infra and puppet-openstack where bundler prep steps are copied.
We should then update the apply test to be able to be run in a bundler context. Then we can add some non-voting puppet apply jobs that run the apply tests with puppet 4 instead of puppet 3. The Gemfiles from puppet-openstack already support looking for a puppet version in the env var PUPPET_GEM_VERSION, so we can use that a key as to whether we want to use system puppet or bundle puppet.
The bundler part is not necessary. We could also write a jenkins job macro that overrides the apt pins, installs puppet 4 and installs a set of gems.
puppet 4 could be avoided and we could stay with puppet 3 until the end of time, but at some point puppet 3 is going to be out of security updates.
We could also ditch puppet and move 100% to ansible. At the moment though, we have a lot of puppet folks and a lot of puppet code, so a wholesale move seems like a thing that would not be short in planning, and puppet 4 is imminent. So even if we were to decide to do such a thing, it would likely still not be short-term enough to be able to avoid puppet 4.
- Primary assignee:
mordred has some initial patches up for review, but probably will not be the one leading this charge in an ongoing basis, unless he just gets ragey one Friday night.
Gerrit Topic
Use Gerrit topic "puppet-4" for all patches related to this spec.
git-review -t puppet-4
Work Items
- Add Gemfiles to all of the puppet repos
- Fix puppet4 related problems
- Update puppet-apply test to handle puppet-4 as an option
- Add non-voting puppet4-apply tests
- Fix puppet4-apply issues
- Make puppet4-apply voting
No new repositories.
DNS Entries
Local testing will need to learn about bundle exec rake lint. A helper script will be provided.
A large portion of this is about constructing tests.
This is related strongly to the ansible-puppet-apply task, but they are not strongly dependent - except to say that we're not going to upgrade to puppet 4 in production until the puppet-apply task is also done.