Jeremy Stanley 7e03a05d9c Replace ci.o.o links with docs.o.o/infra
The documentation site has been deprecated,
replaced by redirects to corresponding paths within where other Project Infrastructure
documentation already resides.

Change-Id: I932c29ff2d1bf72410138df7a4105f6828016ed4
2015-05-14 21:38:19 +00:00

2.9 KiB

Storyboard Web Client

A WebClient for the OpenStack Storyboard project.

Project Resources

Getting Started

First of all be sure to have tox installed on your machine then:

  • Install the virtualenv containing nodejs: tox -evenv
  • Source the new path containing grunt: source .tox/venv/bin/activate
  • Now you can launch the grunt tasks of storyboard-webclient, by default run the development server with the following command: grunt serve

Grunt tasks

Here are the grunt tasks available with the storyboard-webclient project, the following commands must be prefixed by grunt, example for the first one, the command to run will be grunt jshint, the virtualenv must have been activated see previous section:

  • jshint: Runs a linter on the javascript sources files of the project, this will help us keeping style consistency across our files and can reduce the risk of bugs.
  • clean: Erases the temporary folders created by various grunt tasks, such as reports, cover and dist.
  • less: Compiles the themes files present in /src/theme/custom and /src/theme/custom using less compiler, the result which is a plain css file is stored into dist/styles/main.css
  • compile: Compiles all of our sources in the dist directory.
  • package: Built code into a release package.
  • build: Compile and packages our code.
  • serve:dist: This task performs a full build of our application, and then runs that source in a local web server. It does no watching, it simply hosts the files.
  • serve:prod: This task is identical to 'server:dist', with the exception that it will proxy the API requests against the production API. USE WITH CAUTION
  • serve: Development server - runs a build and sets up concurrent watchers that will automatically lint, test, and refresh the code when a change is detected.
  • test: Run all the tests.
  • test:unit: This command will create a clean build against which our unit tests will be run. For more information, please see karma-unit.conf.js
  • test:integration: This command will create a clean build against which our integration tests will be run. For more information, please see karma-integration.conf.js
  • test:functional: This command will create a clean build against which our functional tests will be run. For more information, please see karma-functional.conf.js